Bewdley Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Tues Wed (Teams) Fri (Pairs) 9.15am
27th Jul 2024 10:59 BST
Tuition (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)
27th Jul 2024 10:58 BST
Thursday Pairs 7pm
25th Jul 2024 23:05 BST
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25th Jul 2024 21:52 BST
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Tuition (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)

 Monday Morning Bridge Lessons with Eileen  

Monday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am

The subject of the lesson is presented using PowerPoint on Zoom. The learners are given an opportunity to talk through examples which have been sent to them in advance as pre-course work.

Here is the LINK .

At approximately 10.15am we move onto Realbridge

The hands have been pre-dealt to enable the learners to practice bidding and playing what has just been covered in the lesson. Eileen is available to coach and support as required.

Here is the LINK 

Copies of the hands along with bidding and playing commentary are emailed out to all participants afterwards to help embed the learning.


 Godfrey and Su Improvers Session  

Join in the fun on the 22nd July HERE


 Louise and Gang session on 15th April  

Click here to join in


 The Fletcher Darby Session  

Click HERE for the player link


 New Friday morning Lesson  

Click for link