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Call Up Notice
Notice of the 63rd A.G.M.

Town Hall Berkhamsted

Tuesday 15th October 2024    7.00pm

Meeting will be followed by duplicate bridge

This is the formal notice reminding members of the forthcoming AGM. If you wish to raise a specific item under AOB at the AGM, it would be helpful if you could please send your proposal to the chair at least 7 days prior to the meeting (7th October  2024)


The majority of committee members have all agreed to stand again for re-election. We would like to expand the committee and new members would be very welcome.  If anyone would like to become a member and/or stand for a specific role within the committee could they let the secretary know as soon as possible.


The proposed committee is as follows, subject to other nominations or counterproposals.


Chair: John Wareham

Treasurer: Jane Mann

Web-master: vacant

Membership Secretary: Rob Last

Members Maggie Moore, Liz Young, Susan Woodhams


Agenda 2024

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of 2023 AGM
  3. Matters arising 
  4. Chairman’s report 
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Adoption of accounts
  7. Appointment of Auditor
  8. Election of Chairman and Committee Members
  9. Review of Competitions and Rules  - a members discussion on potential changes
  10. Electronic scoring
  11. Any other business 

 followed by bridge