Lots of slams around for North South.
i am choosing to avoid board 21 where we managed to bid 7H without the Ace of trumps!
this one was interesting.
i upgraded my North hand to game forcing.
I we were missing an Ace from Natasha’s first bid , as we show ace showing responses.
After Natasha’s 2D I should have bid 3H instead of 3NT and we could have bid 6H which can make rather 6S which is dead in the water.
What happened at your table?
After 3 passes, Jenny (north) opened 1S. With 21 points perhaps she should have opened 2D, showing 18 to 20 points with unbalanced hand, but she didn’t. I responded 1NT.
Jenny then went straight to 4S and there it stopped, AD lead, 11 tricks made, no mention of H where potentially 12 tricks was possible. If she had bid 2D, then I would have responded relay 2H but then she would have responded in S, perhaps we might have ended in NT, but unlikely in H