Annual Subsrciption |
The new CBAI bridge year begins on 1st September. Bell Tower Bridge Club's bridge year begins on Tuesday 3rd September.
The yearly subscription is €30 for existing members and €45 for new members (for the first year only).
Your subscription can be paid in two ways ie:
By direct electronic transfer to the following Bank of Ireland account IE37 BOFI 900607 19657678. Please enter your name in the reference (visible to payee). For example Mary Murphy . This will ensure that your payment can be identified and credited to you.
By cash/cheque on Tuesday mornings. If paying by cash please put the exact amount in an envelope with your name on it. If paying by cheque please make the cheque payable to Bell Tower Bridge Club.
Please inform a member of the committee if you are not returning to play bridge with the Bell Tower Club from 1st September. In that way we can offer places to new members.
Please renew your subscription before 31st August if possible.
Presentation |
Evelyn Conran, our former President, was presented with flowers and a gift today, 23 July 2024, by Derry (our current President) to celebrate her retirement and to thank her for her hard work and dedication to our bridge club during her term of office.
Charity Game |
Every year our club runs a Charity Game in May to raise funds to support a nominated charity or charities. This year our members raised €1,000 and this was matched by another €1,000 from club funds. Following consultation with members it was decided to donate €1,000 to The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust and €1,000 to the LauraLynn Children's Hospice.
Colin Bell (from the Kevin Bell Trust) visited our club on 25 June to accept our donation. He told us how, following the death of his son Kevin in New York eleven years ago, he set up the Repatriation Trust to fund the repatriation of loved ones who died abroad. It is based in Newry but funds repatriation of loved ones to families all over Ireland. The Trust has helped 1,800 families to date.
LauraLynn is Ireland's Children's Hospice and supports children with life limiting conditions. Some of the many supports offered by LauraLynn are support for all the family, respite breaks, provision of specialist therapies (eg physiotherapy, occupational therapy, play and music therapy, symptom management, bereavement support). Lauralynn also provides residential care for children and young adults with disabilities.
Pictured below are Derry Peacock our President, Joan Kavanagh Club Member and Colin Bell.
History of Bell Tower Bridge Club |
History of Bell Tower Bridge Club.....so far
The club was founded in May 2015 in the Parish Hall Malahide. The church beside the hall has a clock tower – hence the name. 30 members having attended a bridge course run by Leslie Geraghty decided to set up their own club. Almost all were novice bridge players.
The original committee consisted of
Jim Kelly President, Mary McGrath Secretary, Linda Duffy Treasurer, Breda Butler and Mary McHale.
As a result of a big increase in members (65) the club moved to our current home in the Malahide Yacht Club in July 2015.