
BCOH will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21 & 22 due to the expected freezing temperatures.  We will reopen on Friday.

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President's Remarks







Well, nothing good starts without some bumps in the road.  We successfully got the first edition of our newsletter out the door and into

Janice Rush

your email boxes, but the links didn’t work. With the help of some friends, we figured it out and here it is!  A big thank you to Tammy Fincher for her creativity on this new design and the willingness to volunteer her time as Editor in Chief.

I am happy to report that our table counts are growing due to the efforts of our volunteers.   As I am writing this, last week our Saturday game had a total of 14 tables (4 299er tables).  On July 13, we will have another Twenty-Table Saturdays game which fills our club almost to capacity!  Also, in July we will have an 80th Birthday Event for three of our members and that will be a big turnout!   We are not out of the woods yet but
your BCoH Board is working hard for you.

And we have upgraded our scoring system from Bridgepads to Bridgemates.  The software really does help the directors catch more scoring mistakes and keep up with the game better.  I hope you all enjoy the "new" Bridgemates!

   Until next month, Janice Rush



Editor in Chief

Tammy Fincher

New Bridgemates!

Hopefully you have played in the club recently and used the new (to us) BridgeMates!

Why did we get them? Our BridgePads were going obsolete and the company went out of business.  Without updates (software, server) and replacement parts we would be without in a few years so the Board jumped on the opportunity to buy these used Bridgemates (in good condition). New ones are $165 each, so our investment of over $1600 for 42 was actually a great deal but an unbudgeted cost.

If you would like to donate to help with this purchase, please drop off your cash or check.   Any amount would help defray the cost to the club.


Thomas Rush




About those Horses....

You and partner reach 3NT on the auction P - 3C - P - 3NT; All Pass:

This is a hand slightly modified from the Saturday June 15 2024 STaC game at BCoH.  

As West, Declarer, you get the lead of the heart 3.  What’s your plan?

Read More About Those Horses


Lessons with Julie


Rule of 20 plus 2 by Julie Halperin

One of the tools for evaluating whether you should open a hand with fewer high card points  is called the Rule of Twenty.  I’ve seen this “rule” misused over and over.

Basically, you add the number of cards in your 2 longest suits to your number of high card points, and if it equals 20 you consider opening the hand.  But, there are other considerations to this rule.

  1.  You should have 2 “taking tricks”.  That’s the plus 2 mentioned above.
    1. An Ace is a taking trick. A King Queen in the same suit is a taking trick.  A King is ½ of a trick.
  2. The majority of your points should be in the 2 longest suits.                                                                                                                                                                                              


S   KQ654
H  A9642
D  J4
C  8

This hand meets the requirements.

The following does not:

S  K9654
H  KJ964
C   J   

Let's play bridge, Julie Halperin

Carol's Corner

 I didn’t hear from any of you about what you would like to read about in this column, so I’m sharing something that is good not only for bridge players, but for everybody.
And as I look around (and in the mirror), it seems very
apropos. (And I am so sorry I cannot find the author! I find several books, but not this article. Enjoy.)


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight, and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay “them.”

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle.  “An idle mind is the devil's workshop.” (And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.)

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long, and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen.  Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life is ourself! Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8.Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, or to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell people that you love them--at every opportunity.

     AND ALWAYS REMEMBER : Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

'Til next month, Keep Bidding!  Carol Wilson

Did You Know?         

When there is an irregularity at the table, you should call "Director Please".  An example is an accidentally or purposely exposed card.  Sam lays down a spade when a heart was led. Everyone at the table agrees that the exposed card becomes a penalty card to be played at the first legal opportunity, but did you know there is a second part to this rule? 

The Director will ask how the card was exposed to determine if it is a major or minor penalty card.  If it is a major penalty card, it will be required to be played at the first legal opportunity (Law 50.D.1(a)), and if Sam's partner gets the lead before the penalty card is played, Declarer may require of forbid the play of that suit (spade) so the penalty card is returned to Sam's hand and is no longer a penalty card (Law 50.D.2(a)).  Alternatively, Declarer my wish the card remain a penalty card and Sam's partner may lead anything he wants (Law 50.D.2(b).

If it is a minor penalty card, there are different rules governing its play requirements (Law 50B) ...to be continued...  


Where to find:      
Websites:   Tournaments in Unit 174:  
BCOH Website      July 1-7    Austin Regional
Unit 174 Website   August 3-4    Austn Sectional
District 16 Calendar      August 8-11  Houston Awesome August Sectional
District 16 Website     August 15-17    Beaumont Sectional
ACBL Website        August 22-24 Tyler Sectional/Regional
BCOH Monthly Calendar    August 17-Sept. 1 Dallas Regional


For Newer Players



In Person

          Lessons with Julie                  Tuesdays @ 9:30 AM

          Mentor Games                        2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM

          299er Games                           Monthly, check the Calendar on the website


Online at Choose Houston! (BBO)

          Mentor Games              1st & 3rd Mondays @ 7:00 PM

          Future Life Masters       Tuesdays (1-50) @ 3:05 PM   

2nd Saturday (1-20) @ 9:00 AM (usually)

And always check the BCOH Website for more!


    Regular Club Game Schedule                                                         

F2F Open Pairs at the club:   Online Open Pairs (BBO:
Monday @ 11:55 AM       Thursday @ 7:00 PM
1st & 5th Tuesday @ 10:30 AM    SE Carolina Club of Clubs
Wednesday & Friday @ 10:30 AM       
Saturday @ 12:00 PM    
   Swiss Teams  
   3rd Tuesday @ 10:30 AM         


BCOH Specific July Events


July 5 ACBL Club Membership Game
July 6 Hot Diggity Dog 4th of July Celebration, bring sides
July 13 Twenty Table Saturdays, fully catered by the club
July 26 Pizza Friday
July 27 80 is Not Enough Birthday Celebration, fully catered
There are NAOP Qualifier Games throughout the month, check the BCOH Calendar

Ways to Help the Club

Do you have a hidden talent just waiting to burst forth?
There are many ways we all make BCOH a wonderful club. To put your talents to use, contact:

Ambassadors: Susan Domsalla sdomsall@msn.com (281) 732-2508
Tournaments:  Kas Rangan   kas.rangan99@gmail.com (539) 210-1333
All other jobs: Janice Rush janicerush2024@gmail.com (832) 643-1704




Memories from June