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BBA League Division 2
10th Sep 2024 15:24 BST
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General Rules & C of C
  Code of Conduct

(Issued by the BBA Committee)

1.    Competitions should be enjoyable experiences for everyone, so our conduct should reflect a keen, competitive and friendly approach. Though confident that no-one seeks to intimidate another, the committee is aware that such an impression may be given, albeit unwittingly. In particular, it is the responsibility of the experienced player to go out of his or her way to facilitate the entry of the newcomer to the ways of competitive bridge and to an understanding of the more arcane side of the game - in clubs, county league and competitions.

2.    Clearly it is important that everyone plays according to rules, observing both the letter and the spirit. A transgression by an opponent should not be interpreted as an attempt or opportunity to gain an advantage. When any issue occurs at the table, the director should always be called in a calm polite manner. The director’s decision at the table should be accepted and play of the hand continued. In truly exceptional cases, an appeal of the decision of the Director may be made after the event as described below.

3.    A prompt start to each session is considered to be important and is in everyone’s interest. The Director will apply published times rigorously, permitting latecomers only if the movement is not adversely affected. In a two-session event, there will be 45 minutes between sessions.

4.    Both players in each pair will display identical completed convention cards.

5.    During the auction, stop and alert cards will be used in line with normal guidelines. Bids will remain on display until the opening lead has been selected, and any questions have been answered.

6.    A player may appeal a ruling made by the Director at County events only as follows:

6.1.                 The appeal must be supported by both players, and the intention to appeal must be declared as soon as practicable and in any case no later than 20 minutes after the end of a session.

6.2.                 Players may request (but not oblige) the event organiser to convene a panel of three senior players present to consider the matter orally immediately after close of play.  If they do so, and the organiser agrees, the majority decision of the panel shall prevail and be final.

6.3.                 Otherwise, a three person Appeal Committee will be convened by The County Competitions Secretary, or if that person is involved in the matter, by the Chair of Vice Chair.   As soon as practicable, The Director will submit a written report to the Appeal Committee using the Appeals Form provided by the EBU, that has been completed by the Director and players involved, together with a deposit of £20 paid by the appellants.

6.4.                 The Appeals Committee will follow the guidance in the EBU White Book in making its decision, which shall be final, and having done so will complete the relevant section of the Appeals Form.  In the case of unsuccessful appeals, the Appeals Committee may determine that the £20 deposit be forfeit and paid to county funds. The Form will be returned to the Director who will notify the players accordingly.

The BBA committee will be pleased to consider any further suggestions from members about code of conduct at county events..


Please note that players should be seated at least five minutes before the starting time shown for each event.

Most County events are:

  • Open only to players who have paid their BBA subscription
  • Played using pre-dealt boards, with hand records provided after the event
  • Computer-scored, so that results are available soon after the end of play where possible
  • Played at up to Level 4 conventions


  • Marsh Trophy (Level 2)
  • Multiple Teams, Swiss Pairs, and in Division 1 of the County League (Level 4)

Competition results are normally posted on the County's website within 24 hours. Prizes and Master Points are awarded to the leading players. Special awards for non-expert players and veterans are given in some events.

Entry fees include a selection of hot and cold drinks, and biscuits. Events marked (Q) are qualifying events for the County Champions' Trophy competition.

  Competition Winners - Qualification

Winning certain County events will lead to qualification to play in other events representing Bedfordshire. Below is a list of these events:

Inter-club Teams of 4 Beck Cup 
Inter-club Teams of 8 Garden Cities Trophy 
Knock Out Cup Pachabo 
County Pairs  Corwen Trophy