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Format and Rules 2024-25
BBA League and Knockout 2024-25

League 2024-25 Format

The league comprises two divisions of five teams each. Each team will play two head-to-head matches of 24 boards against the other four teams in its division. All matches must be completed by mid-February 2025. The winners of Flight A will be Bedfordshire Teams of 4 League winners.  All matches are to be played on the RealBridge platform. The cost is £3 per player per match. Scoring is by IMPs converted to VPs. The winning captain should record the result on the EBU league table via My EBU. Jane will post results on the BBA website. At the end of the season, Jane will submit results to the EBU for P2P and Master Points. Master Point awards will be 0.68 Blue Points per match won in Division 1 and 0.54 Local Points in Division 2, plus ranking points for the top two teams in each division. Results do not count towards NGS.

Fixed Match Dates

Ten fixed dates on Thursdays have been set aside for ease of organising matches. Matches have been arranged on these dates and fixtures can be seen in the league table and on My EBU. All teams have two sit-outs. Dates are listed in the BBA calendar where the RealBridge link will be posted. Jane must be informed as soon as possible if any match is to be played at a different date/time. She will be available at the fixed events to resolve any issues.

Ad-Hoc Matches

Captains may elect to hold a match on any date or time up to mid-February 2025. Jane must be notified by one of the captains at least 3 days prior to a match date to allow setup. The matches will appear in the BBA calendar along with the RealBridge link. The home captain will be provided with the Director link to start matches. Jane will be available by telephone (07734 201984) if captains cannot resolve an issue.  

Additional Players and Substitute Players

It is essential that all teams complete all matches; extra players may be added to team squads to ensure completeness. There is a limit of six named players per match but no limit on the total number of players. A player can play for more than one team, but transfers or substitutions are not permitted by a player who has already played twice or more for one team in the season.

24 Board Match IMP to VP Conversion


























There is no automatic promotion or relegation at the end of the season, but the allocation of teams to divisions in 2025-26 will take account of performance in 2024-25.

Knockout 2025

All teams in Division 1 and the top two teams in Division 2 will go forward to the Knockout Cup to be played from late February 2025. This year there will be a quarter-final, semi-final and final. The Division 1 winning team will go direct to the semi-final. There will be three quarter finals comprising one team from Pool A (teams finishing 2nd, 3rd and 4th in Division 1) and one from Pool B (team finishing last in Division 1 plus the top two teams from Division 2), selected by random draw. The make-up of the semi-finals will be by random draw. The quarter-final will be 24 boards, the semi-final 32 boards, the final 48 boards. Teams are limited to a maximum of six nominated players. The winning team is eligible to represent Bedfordshire in the Pachabo Cup in June 2025.


Level 4 systems are permitted for the league and knockout. All pairs must upload a properly completed EBU 20B system card to the EBU system and provide opponents with a link, plus a system summary at the start of each round.

General EBU regulations for matches played privately apply regarding agreement of match date/time, seating rights and late arrival, with specific regulations for online matches in Section F. See

September 2024