Bedfordshire Interclub Teams of 8 2023-24 |
The annual Bedfordshire Teams of 8 competition will take place at 7:15pm for 7:30pm on Thursday 12 October 2023 on RealBridge. This fun event is open to all affiliated and non-affiliated clubs in Bedfordshire. The leading team from an affiliated club will be eligible to represent Bedfordshire in the Garden Cities Trophy on 24 May 2024.
The cost is £24 per team. Pay by bank transfer to Bedfordshire Bridge Association, sort code 30-15-53, account no 03203684 (quote club name as ref), or send a cheque payable to Bedfordshire Bridge Association to Pippa Green, 7 Cheltenham Close, Bedford, MK41 8RL.
Pre-entry is essential. Entries should be received by Monday 9 October 2023. Please complete the form below to enter. It would help the organisers if you provide the names of all 8 team members, but this is not essential..