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Social Events at Bassingham Bridge Club

Saturday 3rd August    Bridge at the Bassingham Show

Friday 6th Sept.          Charity Bridge day

Sunday 3rd Nov       Bridge Break Scarborough

Wednesday 13th Nov (tbc)  Curry Bridge

Sunday 17th Nov        Random seeded Teams

Thursday 19th Dec.    Christmas Bridge


Bassingham - Home
Bassingham Bridge Club

Bassingham Bridge Club aims to provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in which members and guests may enjoy their bridge play.  We are a cheerful group keen to attract players of all levels and have a no pressure philosophy to encourage beginners.

All we ask is that members and guests accept and promote the Club ethos, i.e.  treat each other with tolerance, respect and above all remember the game of bridge is only a game of cards and whilst we all do our best to win we should:-

Never take the game, or ourselves, too seriously!

Bassingham Bridge Club
Learn to Play Bridge
Learn to Play Bridge

Bridge Lessons

A new course of lessons aimed at complete beginners and those new to the game

Wednesdays 7.00pm until 9.00pm (Commencing Wed 11th Sept )

Tower Room, Hammond Hall LN5 9HQ

£2 per session (first lesson free)

Contact Pat Lucas 

Strawberry Tea
Strawberry Tea

Our  Annual Strawberry Bridge Evening was held on 4th July.  Shortbread biscuits were donated by Anthony and Jean Lyndon-Smith to add to their celebrations of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.  Many thanks to them from all their friends at Bassingham Bridge.

There were 15 tables who played duplicate bridge and were ably directed by Pete.  In the break we all enjoyed strawberries and cream with a shortbread biscuit/s.  Many also bought wine to add to the celebrations.  A very pleasant evening was had by all. 

Curry Night

Wednesday 27th March

What a wonderful evening at Oscar's of Newark.  There was a real lively buzz when 12 tables took part in a Chicago Bridge evening.  There was a break for a  variety of Indian dishes which were all very good.  Reports back were most complimentary.  All currys were accompanied  by pickles, nan and poppadoms.  Thanks were given to all involved from Fred and Jackie to all those who helped from chefs to bar staff.  Congratulations to Alan Timmis and Peter Phillips for winning the evening.

Presentation Night
  • Christine Jones Ascendancy Trophy Fiona Wright
  • League Trophy Tony Jean Chris and Louise
  • Mary Spittles KnockOut Trophy Fred Jayne Andy and Derrick
  • Pairs Trophy Dave and Sally
  • Tom Semens Slam Trophy Pat

4th May 2024 at The Bentley Hotel

Members were welcomed by a drink provided by the Club.  All then enjoyed a 3-course meal.  This was followed by the main event of the evening in the presentation of prizes achieved throughout the year.  Dave and Sally (as winners last year) then ran their interesting quiz during coffee and chocolates.  The quiz winners were Fred and Jayne which was very appropriate considering the hard work they put in to organise the evening.



Wednesday Nights 7 pm to 9 pm

New Course: 11th September

We are currently enjoying our summer break. The new course for beginners and improvers will start on the 11th September.   Beginners will be led by Pat Lucas with Dave Williams leading the Improvers.  The Improvers will have a different theme each month and play Gentle Duplicate with a close look at hands with advice and guidance.

September's theme will be playing in No Trumps

About our Club


In August 1999 Roy Hughes began bridge tuition sessions in the Heritage Room at Bassingham Village, Lincolnshire.  Basing his instruction on the the “Bridge for All” manuals (a system which teaches the Standard English System of bridge) he encouraged players to adopt a relaxed attitude to the game thus encouraging a friendly atmosphere for a group of mixed abilities.


In April 2000 the small group of students led by Roy formed the present Club which today has approximately 120 members and a home now at The Hammond Hall, Bassingham.  The Club's success is in no small measure due to a comfortable atmosphere unlike that found in some Clubs where strict adherence to codes is expected and there may be pressure to play faster than the less accomplished might wish.  Again, in accordance with club ethos players are encouraged to make every effort between themselves to amicably resolve misunderstandings in bidding or play.  A Director is always available to provide helpful advice in accordance with our 'Ethics and Laws' (see sub-heading under menu item 'Club Information').


Joining fee of £5 (but no annual fee thereafter) and a table fee of £2 (£3 for visitors) which includes a cup of tea or coffee.  



Each week on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening there are sessions for informal tuition and practice  which beginners and improvers may find particularly helpful.  On Thursday evenings we have a more formal session (though still friendly and relaxed) when Club members taking part may have their scores recorded towards winning trophies in the various Club competitions (Individual, Pairs, etc.).


Improvers thinking to join Thursday evening sessions should note that whenever there is a 5th Thursday in a month the session will be played in a particulary relaxed manner so that Thursday regular players can offer encouragement and help improvers adjust to the higher standard of play.


Many of the Club competition matches are played socially at members'  homes.


A Dinner is held each year when Club trophies are presented.

Navigating this website

Use the Menu (left column this page) to navigate this site.  Column on the right of this page is for News items.

The Club Committee welcomes comments aimed to improve this site and such comments may be put to a committee member or direct to the Website Administrator (Pat Haslam).  

Use this Form to :-

(1) Find a Partner or

(2) Advertise local bridge events.


1st Thurs. each month the car park gets crowded.  Please park tidily.

You are responsible for ensuring your mugs are clean at the end of Bridge.  Please place in the dishwasher (or if the dishwasher is full wash by hand).

Social Events

Bridge at the Bassingham Show Sat 3rd August

Charity Bridge Day   Friday 6th September

Scarborough Bridge Break  Sunday 3rd November

Curry Bridge night at Oscars Newark Wednesday 13th November

Random Seeded Teams Competition on Sunday 17th November from 1.30 until 5.30pm at Hammond Hall

Christmas Bridge Thursday 19th December




Tue 30th July 2024
Social bridge
Wed 31st July 2024
Thu 1st August 2024
Duplicate Pairs
7 pm
Director: Fred
Scorer: Andy
Dealer: PatH
Sat 3rd August 2024
Bridge - It's a Big Deal
11.30 - 5 pm
Tue 6th August 2024
Social bridge