While meeting face to face was not possible during the Covid 19 outbreak, all Barnet U3A Bridge Groups got together using the online software ♠♥ RealBridge ♦♣
This combines the benefits of playing bridge online (such as BBO and other systems) with the social interaction you would get from a Zoom meeting. So you can chat to the others round the table while you play in the same way you would normally. It's also very good for teaching purposes as the leader can join a table and provide help when requested, and it allows us to play Teams competitions.
Our RealBridge groups currently meet on:
♠♦ Tuesday Group 9.45 am til 12pm RealBridge Duplicate focussing on Beginners to Intermediates John
♥♠ Friday Group 9.45 am til 12pm RealBridge Duplicate an EBU affiliated group for Intermediates David & Marisa
♣♦ Teams Group 2.45 pm on first Sunday of the month Marisa
If you are interested you are welcome to give it a try on a Tuesday or Friday morning, please contact/click on Marisa Nicholes.
The following groups have returned to Face to Face play:
♠ Tuesday morning Beginners 10am Sue, Jurek
♣ Friday afternoon Intermediates 1.45pm Vic