Eastbrook Manor Community Centre, West Road, Fishersgate,
Brighton BN41 1QH click on the link in red to access google maps eastbrook google maps location
Normal session, starting at 7.30pm.
The Community Centre is a well-appointed centre with a large room containing a small cafe area. We are hoping to provide hot drinks from our own resources on the evening. There is no bar.
Access by car is from West Road which is perpendicular to the coast road; the Albion sports pub is on the corner. The short track leads to an unpaved free public car park. At the end of the car park, follow the paved path running alongside the centre buildings on the left, to access at the end.
Entrance into the main space is flat.
Access by public transport is 700 bus which stops outside on the coast road. The centre is accessible from the coast road.
We will organize car sharing for anybody who needs a lift there, if you are unable to sort it yourself. Please contact Denise on 07306 004836 or click on the link in red to email Denise's email
This centre is on the list as a possible venue for all the club’s F2F sessions. It has many positives but the obvious question mark is around location.
It is very important that lots of people come along so we can test whether this venue is suitable or not.