Austenwood Bridge Club
Release 2.19p
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This page is not intended to be a comprehensive manual about Bridgepads it merely seeks to address some common queries that have arisen at the Club. 

At the beginning of the session the Bridgepads will have been placed on the tables.  
When switched on they should show the opening screen, the words "Welcome to the Bridgpad".   Occasionally they will be in the state at the end of the last session, possibly showing the traveller for the last hand played.  Pressing "Next" should advance it to a screen with two options 1) to review the game or 2) to start a new game, enter 2 to advance to the opening screen. 

The table information entry is started by pressing "Next".   However entry is only possible when the director has entered the movement into the computer and started the control program.  Pressing "next" prior to this will only result in the BridgePad checking the communications unsuccessfully.   Please wait until the director announces that the control program is running.  

The first response is to enter the session number, which is rarely required, and then the table number.   After which the players' club numbers are entered and verified.   If any player is new to the club enter the number '0'.    The club numbers have to be entered carefully if no entry is made the player entry routine may be skipped with no recourse.  If that happens a table slip should be filled in an given to the director.  

The BrigePads will display the pair numbers (and their directions) and board numbers to be played in that round.     The boards in the round can be played and entered in any order.   When at the board number position you can alter that number by pressing 'back' and entering the correct board number. It will ask you to confirm this if it is not the next board expected.   The contract, declarer and the number of tricks taken  (the whole number of tricks!) are entered in order.   Prior to leaving the score entry any entries for that board may be corrected by use of the 'back' key.    After having viewed the results for a board no further correction is possible.  A correction slip should be written and passed to the director if any mistake has been made.  

The scores can now be corrected at the table by the director (he uses a password, not a director's key.  Corrections can be made at the console at any time.

If the boards are played in wrong direction the director must be advised (in writing!).  

On occasions when a board is not played, either on the director's instruction or otherwise,  the result must be recorded as not played by use of the 'np' key.  

At the end of play please advance the BridgePad to the final state by use of the 'next' key.