Bridge at Ashley
Release 2.19p
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26th Aug 2024 10:27 BST
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If any members are looking for partners can I refer  you to the Partner Required section of the Menu. On there you can put down if you need a partner for a specific week and if everybody has a look at it then we can, hopefully, get you a game that week. Thanks.

Welcome to Bridge at Ashley
Bridge at Ashley

3 tables this week which is good given the time of year. Congratulations to Ruth & Neil who won with a score of 68%,some distance ahead of the chasing pack led by Lin & Guy on 56%.

I know a number are away this week but I look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible on Thursday.




Important Information

Bridge at Ashley works on the principle that we play bridge for fun and have fun playing bridge.

Bridge at Ashley

Welcome to Bridge at Ashley. We were formed just over a year ago and, in that time, have bulit up a small successful club. We meet every Thursday evening at the Oddfellows Hall in Ashley, Staffordshire. We start at 6:45 pm and finish at 9:45 pm. New members are always welcome and we do our very best to accommodate those who may not have a playing partner.


Special Message

Some of you will have received a questionnaire this week from Lin. There is no hidden agenda here, the Committee are just looking to find out how people feel about Bridge at Ashley and to garner some ideas for generating some growth into the club in the future. Please be honest in your replies, nobody will know what you say except me.

Another Message