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Important Notices
The annual competitions will run from Sep 1st thru June 30th.
Constitution August 2007
  1. The club shall be called ASCOT BRIDGE CLUB and shall be affiliated to the EBU. It shall conduct its affairs accordingly.
  2. The officers of the club shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting (AGM), and shall hold office until the following AGM. The committee shall consist of a minimum of seven officers:
  • Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Four committee members
  1. The committee shall have the authority to co-opt additional committee members as appropriate. These posts shall be subject to election at the following AGM.
  2. Membership of the club shall be applied for according to the separate membership policy.
  3. Visitors are welcome, however approval of the secretary shall be sought giving two days notice.
  4. There shall be an annual subscription due on 1st September. Except in exceptional circumstances if membership is not paid by 1st October membership will lapse.

    Annual subscriptions and table money shall be reviewed at each AGM and details published.
  5. Complaints regarding the conduct of members or visitors shall be made in writing to the secretary. The committee shall deal with complaints as they feel necessary.
  6. The AGM will be held not later than the 1st September every year. The audited accounts must be submitted and the officers shall report. The club accounts shall be subject to an annual audit. The auditor shall be appointed by the committee. Members shall be given a minimum of two weeks notice of the AGM. A quorum shall consist of twenty members.
  7. Subject to the rules of the constitution, the control of the club shall reside with the committee. Any matter not specifically covered by the rules, or any interpretation of the rules shall be determined by the committee, subject to the overriding authority of a General Meeting, properly convened in accordance with the constitution.
  8. In the event of the club being wound up, all properties will be sold and any monies remaining shall be given to an appropriate charity.
  9. The rules and constitution of the club can only be varied at a General Meeting of the club with two thirds of the members present voting for the motion. Absentee votes are not permitted. The chairman shall not vote on any issue arising on these matters.

    Motions may be proposed by the committee or by any two members acting as proposer and seconder. All motions must be received by the secretary at least twenty one days before a General Meeting, and must be communicated in writing to all members not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting.
  10. In the event of any major dissatisfaction with the management of the club, an Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be called by the committee or by written request to the secretary from any twenty members. Any such meeting shall be held within twenty one days of notice being given to the secretary, and written notice of the meeting, including full details of the agenda and motion, must be communicated in writing to all members not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting.

August 2007. David Calcutt
