2025 AGM will be held on Weds 12th March, 7.00pm |
The club's AGM will be held on 12th March, starting at 7.00pm prompt at the village hall. As usual we will aim to complete the AGM quickly so that we can play a decent number of hands of bridge afterwards. Please click below for the AGM agenda and the minutes of last year's. Note that there are two changes to the constitution being proposed this year which members will be asked to vote on. Thank you.
2025 AGM agenda.pdf
2024 AGM minutes.pdf
Welcome to Antrobus Bridge Club web site. |
We meet on Wednesday evenings at Antrobus Village Hall, Cheshire, CW9_6LB - members are asked to arrive by 7:00pm for a prompt start at 7:15pm.
We play duplicate bridge. We generally have 10+ tables and play around 21-24 hands, with a tea/coffee break half way through. The Club always aims for a friendly atmosphere, where less experienced players can enjoy their bridge alongside those of a good standard.
We also have a number of social evenings during the year and a Christmas Party evening.
See the "Information" page for more details including how to find us and costs.
We also have a RealBridge session online on a Tuesday Evening. Please send an email to the club's Tournament director (Richard Clegg) on Rich@wallhillfarmguesthouse.co.uk for further details if you are interested.