Allendale Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Online Pairs with Retford BC
Director: Barry Watts
Scorer: Mike Jackson
Social Duplicate Bridge
Director: Mark Hooper
Scorer: Robin Wright
Gentle Duplicate
Director: Mike Jackson
Scorer: Mike Jackson
Online Pairs & British Summer Sims with Wymondham BC
Director: Wymondham TD
Scorer: Mike Jackson
F2F Pairs
Director: Michael Yeo
Scorer: Robin Wright
29th Jul 2024
AGM followed by F2F Pairs
Director: Sarah Fazakerley
30th Jul 2024
Gentle Duplicate
Director: Mark Hooper
30th Jul 2024
Online Pairs with Wymondham BC
Director: Kelly Courtney
Host: Wanted
31st Jul 2024
Social Duplicate Bridge
Wimborne Town Football Club 1:30pm
Director: Mark Hooper
Scorer: Robin Wright
Host: Chrissie Denning
1st Aug 2024
Online Pairs with Retford BC
Director: Retford TD
Host: Wanted
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17th Jul 2024 22:03 BST
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7th Jul 2024 13:51 BST
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5th May 2024 17:59 BST
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