Adelaide Bridge Centre
Release 2.19p
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27th Sep 2024 02:12 CSTA
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♠   ♣ Welcome to the Adelaide Bridge Centre ♠   ♣ 

Club contact details

Club director- David Gue

Please direct all club enquiries to David Gue:

Phone Number - 0417460221

Email -

Lectures before bridge sessions

Lectures will be given at the start of bridge on Thursday morning and repeated on Friday morning. 

Lectures will be given at the start of bridge on Wednesday evening and repeated Thursday afternoon. 

7th October 2024
Monday Morning Duplicate
Abergeldie House
Director: David Gue
7th October 2024
Monday Afternoon Supervised
Abergeldie House
1:15pm- 3:45pm
Director: David Gue
7th October 2024
Monday Night Duplicate
Abergeldie House
Director: David Gue
Saturday Afternoon Duplicate
Director: David Gue
Friday Morning Supervised
Director: David Gue
Friday Afternoon Duplicate
Director: David Gue