Adam Wiseberg Bridge
Release 2.19r
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Northern Bridge League 14th October 2023



The event starts at 10:30 and DELAYED KIBITZING WILL BE AVAILABLE by clicking HERE from 10:50 BST

This will take you to a session list and you can watch any of the divisions with the play delayed by 20 minutes.

There are separate links to each Division and you are welcome to hop between them if you choose


Below are the player links you will use to join the Northern Bridge League on Saturday 14th October

The events will start at 10:30am.  Please be sitting in the correct seat by 10:15

If possible please join the table by 10am to make sure that you and your partner can hear each other

If you encounter any problems logging on please telephone the Director immediately on 07860 340054

Once you have established that your video and audio works you can remain logged in and leave your computer but please return by 10:15


Click HERE to join the A Division 

Click HERE to join the B Division

Click HERE to join the C Division

