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Covid Protocol
Covid Protocol

Abergavenny Bridge Club Covid Protocol - Updated 02/06/22

The Club's Covid Protocol is now suspended until further notice.

Players are welcome to continue wearing a face covering if they wish.  Players should continue taking appropriate precautions and must not attend the centre if they develop Covid-19 symptoms.


Safety is paramount and we must provide safe playing conditions. Please follow the precautions we have put in place, and be sensible and take responsibility for their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. Returning to face-to-face bridge is a personal decision and as with any venue, we cannot guarantee that the Club is Covid free.

  • You must be fully vaccinated unless medically exempt.
  • If you develop Covid 19 symptoms after attending the Club, please notify the Secretary (Iain Brisbane) immediately on 07814 063862. All players from that session will be notified and recommended to arrange a Covid-19 test.
  • Masks are no longer a requirement indoors.  However, if you would prefer to wear your mask during play, please feel free to do so.
  • Please don’t arrive more than 30 minutes before the start of each session and take your seat as soon as possible.
  • We are cashless wherever possible, so you will need to continue with your online account, or set one up if you haven’t been playing online, with the Treasurer to pay for Table money.(see below)
  • Boards will be put out as usual. Each set will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours after use.
  • Players should minimise handling of boards and other equipment.
  • Sanitizers will be available when you enter the Community Centre and in the room where we play. Please use a hand sanitizer to minimise transmission of the virus.
  • Please wash your hands after using the toilet and then sanitise them when you return to your table.



To start playing please, where at all possible, pay via Bank Transfer to the following Nat West account. (Abergavenny Bridge Club, Sort Code: 51-61-02 Account Number: 76412199). If you are unable to do this, you may leave a cheque made out to Abergavenny Bridge Club with Richard, John or Iain or otherwise send a cheque to Richard Welsford at 6 Castle Wood, Usk, Gwent, NP15 1SR.

Finally, thank you for your help and understanding. We are all in this together.