The Winter Teams competition for 2024-25
We intend starting the 2024-25 Competition in October. Can anyone who is interested let us know as soon as possible. We hope to get things into shape by the 27th September at the latest.
As we did last time, we shall try and equalize the teams, with a balance of pairs, so that all have a chance to do well. So don’t worry about the standard, it’s meant to be a fun competition.
We hope to have at least 5 teams, but 6 would be ideal. Details of the pairs (and eventually the teams) will be shown below:
The players confirmed so far:
John & Iain
Tony & Pam
Rex & Michael A
Mick & April
Andrew W* & Richard F*
Brenig & Lee
Andy & Tony
Felicity & Ann
Peter & Paddy
Competition Rules
The competition would be run over several months on RealBridge. Each team to play each month at a time to be arranged to suit both teams.
Each team will have a team captain who manages arrangements for their team members and co-ordinates with the other team captain of a match. They will also liaise with the match organiser/director.
Matches should avoid a clash with Abergavenny, Brecon and Crucywel events. When the match date has been agreed we shall set up the session and send the RealBridge links to the captains. Where required a director will be appointed for each match.
Matches will be played over 20 boards, swapping at the half point, and scoring to be converted to Victory Points. No master-points to be awarded.
There will be a prize for the overall winning team!