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This is a hand from the Xmas Party. Most Wests played in 4 Spades and made the contract. At our table, a club was lead and it looks like you will lose a heart, a club and possibly two diamonds. How can you give yourself the best chance?
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Of course if clubs break 3-3 there is no problem as you can discard a diamond on the 13th club. But North may well have lead from a 4-card suit - which is the case here. There may be an option of a squeeze play if North holds the clubs and a high diamond. Plan to lead the diamond ten, preparing to perhaps lose to a diamond honour in South's hand. (you need to lose a diamond trick for the squeeze to work) As it happens both honours are with North, so he should cover your ten. Having also lost a heart and the club king, West should cash the diamond ace and run the trumps. North can't keep all his clubs and guard the diamond king. |