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Winter Weather
Winter Weather

If there are any cancellations due to bad weather during the winter months then there will be a notice on the website, please check just in case! Decisions for the club will be made by 5pm unless weather suddenly deteriorates after that. 

Welcome to Abbey Smith Bridge Club

In an attempt to encourage as many of you to play bridge as much as possible, I have come up with a new timetable. 


There will be one slight change to the duplicates and one additional session being introduced the Week commencing 30th September.  


This will be a hybrid session so you can choose to play face to face or on BBO. Both sections will be scored together. I will be directing both so online ideally will start at 6.50pm and then face to face will start at 7pm at Drayton Parslow Sports and Social Club. Both sections will play 18 boards - face to face will finish at 9.30pm, online should finish at 9pm. There will be a host for face to face so you can turn up without a partner.


There will be a NEW face to face duplicate starting on a Thursday morning from 10am to 12.30pm. Same format at Friday afternoons, 18 boards in 2 and half hours. It would be brilliant if some of you who can't make the current face to face duplicates to be able to play. There will be a host so you can turn up without a partner.


Mondays    BBO  2pm 
Wednesdays HYBRID - either on BBO 6.50pm or face to face 7pm - 9.30pm Host for face to face

Thursday face to face 10am to 12.30pm Host provided

Thursday evening face to face 7pm to 10pm No host

Friday face to face 2pm - 4.30pm.Host provided

I hope to see many of you playing at the club!




CONGRATULATIONS to Maria Hall who won the two tickets to Chelsea. 

Other main prizes....

Congratulations to Anthony Bottone who won the £100 meal at the Thatch Inn at Adstock and to Michele Campbell who won the £75 meal at The Crown in Granborough.

I will email out to everyone else who has won raffle prizes.

Welcome to the Abbey Smith Bridge Club
Welcome to the Abbey Smith Bridge Club
Club Newsletter

I have emailed a club newsletter to all members - please do check your junk mail as many of my emails appear to be ending up there! If you haven't received the Newsletter then please email me and I will send it separately to you. 

Thank you


10th February 2025
Monday Pairs
BBO 2pm
12th February 2025
Wednesday Pairs
Drayton Parslow Sports and Social Club & BBO 7.00pm
13th February 2025
Thursday Pairs
Drayton Parslow Sports and Social Club 7.00pm
Friday Pairs
Thursday am pairs
Thursday Pairs