RealBridge information |
If you are unfamiliar with RealBridge please ensure that you have read the Player Guide before you log in:
You can test your microphone and camera here:
The RealBridge Room will be open from 6.30 pm on Monday. Please log in no later than 6.50 pm.
After clicking on the link please fill in your forename and surname, e.g. Ian Jones (not I. Jones or Ian J), and ID number (which is your EBU number). Once you have logged in please sit at a table with your partner and chat to them and your opponents while you are waiting for the start.
If you require any further information regarding the event please contact Tim Evans:
Last updated : 8th Nov 2022 16:20 GMT |
Learn to play bridge at Abbeygate |
Last updated : 10th May 2023 10:22 BST |
Hospice Bridge |
Mo and Terry |
The Hospice Bridge Tea on Friday 21st April raised over £2,000 for St Nicholas Hospice Care. Players enjoyed an excellent tea and an afternoon of duplicate bridge at the Blackbourne Centre in Elmswell.
Congratulations to Carol Smith and Ivor Thulborn, winners East-West in their section in their first tournament since starting to play bridge as complete beginners last year. Overall winners were Mo and Terry. Nick and Jane Foster tied for second place with Celia and Elizabeth, just a whisker ahead of Caroline Harris and Sam Pickering. Jonathan and Paddy topped their section North-South. Click here to see the full results and boards
Many thanks to all who worked hard to make the day a success, especially Anne and the catering team, also to Stansfield Bridge Club and Cavendish Bridge Club for the loan of Bridgemates and bidding boxes
Last updated : 20th Oct 2023 19:03 BST |
Wednesday Relaxed Duplicate returns at Nowton Court |
Members and visitors gathered at Nowton Court on Wednesday 5th April for an enjoyable evening of relaxed duplicate, with a glass of wine on offer to celebrate the return of this popular session. After a short presentation on Red Suit Transfers by Nancy, players settled down to seven rounds of bridge, with members on hand to assist with tricky bidding problems.
Congratulations to Jackie and Jane who topped the ranking with a creditable 62%. Chris and Laila were joint second with Celia and Elizabeth
Duplicate sessions will run every Wednesday evening, 6:30 for 6:45pm start. All members will be welcome to enjoy the sociable atmosphere and a relaxed pace of play. Results and boards will be available on the website, scroll down to Results on the right of this screen to view.
Last updated : 20th Oct 2023 19:03 BST |
Birthday Flowers for Celia |
Celia discovered that some things are hard to keep quiet when Jonathan (directing) presented her with flowers on behalf of members in recognition of her big birthday last week
Celia started the tradition of Tuesday night bridge twenty years ago when she was teaching bridge at West Suffolk College and the club's home was Risbygate Sports Club. Many of her former students are current members and regular players at Abbeygate, and elsewhere in the county.
Last year Celia was awarded Honorary Life Membership in recognition of her contribution to the club over the past two decades, click here to read more
Last updated : 20th Oct 2023 19:04 BST |
Masters of Bridge.. |
George and Terry |
Congratulations to Terry Sawers who received his Bridge Master certificate recently from the EBU on achieving 5000 Masterpoints. Terry has a way to go though before overtaking George Moody, who is an EBU Life Master, holding no fewer than 215,500 Masterpoints (as of last week, by this week it may be more!)
Masterpoints are a measure of lifetime achievement in bridge. Higher ranking players will usually have played for many years and competed successfully in county and national events. George has played card games since childhood and took up bridge in his thirties, going on to play in national competitions. He also played football until he was 59.
To find out more about Masterpoints, go to the EBU website, sign in with your EBU number and password and from the Home page select Gradings and Rankings. To see your own Masterpoint record, from My EBU select Masterpoints
Last updated : 20th Oct 2023 19:04 BST |
Learn Bridge in Suffolk - The Deben Project |
If you know of anyone wishing to take up bridge please ask them to email
Find out more about the Deben Project on Suffolk County Bridge Association website - click on DEBEN
Last updated : 20th Oct 2023 19:04 BST |
Where can I play bridge in West Suffolk? |
New members and guests are welcome at many West Suffolk bridge clubs. Click here to learn more
Last updated : 1st Nov 2023 07:42 GMT |
Slam bidding for all.. |
Members had an entertaining and informative session bidding slams on Wednesday, with a brief presentation by Nancy on the topic followed by a 15 board duplicate with an unusually high proportion of biddable slam deals. Six full tables provided healthy competition with a fair proportion of the sometimes challenging slams actually bid and made
Next Wednesday 20th December will follow a similar format. Nancy will present a seminar on red suit transfers, with a duplicate to follow which will include a few preset boards relevant to the topic. All members will be welcome, 6:30pm start
Last updated : 20th Dec 2023 11:21 GMT |
Honorary Life Membership for Celia |
Celia |
Celia Jeal has been awarded honorary life membership of Abbeygate Bridge Club in recognition of the outstanding contribution she has made to the club over many years
Celia started teaching bridge at West Suffolk College in 2000 and continues to teach online, as well as on cruise ships and on land. Many of us now playing at the club have been Celia’s students. At that time Risbygate Bridge Club, as it was then, met just once weekly on a Monday
Our popular Tuesday evening club duplicate was started 20 years ago by Celia and her then bridge partner the late Alex Parker, as a more relaxed event at which her students could play as they improved. This was so popular that Celia started an additional learn and play session on Wednesday evenings, which ran until 2020 and Covid.
As well as her teaching commitment Celia is actively involved in running the club as a committee member and regularly directing Monday Realbridge.
Without Celia’s contribution, Abbeygate Bridge Club would probably not exist as it is today, with its friendly and supportive atmosphere encouraging players of all standards, including those (most?) of us who are always striving to improve our game. Thank you Celia
Celia has written about her bridge teaching and the development of the club, click HERE to read
Last updated : 30th Dec 2023 23:45 GMT |
Excellent turnout for the Hospice Bridge Tea despite the weather |
Bridget (centre) with Rani and Mo |
Storm Babet threatened to put paid to the much anticipated Hospice event last Friday, Luckily sufficient intrepid players were able to make it to the Blackbourne Centre to go ahead and 66 players enjoyed an afternoon of relaxed bridge and the usual terrific tea. Many thanks to Ann Gibbs and her team for the tea, and to the talented volunteers who provided hampers for raffle prizes from the many generous donations received.
Overall winners were Kathy and Rob, Paul and Christine were runners up and highest scoring E-W pair
Almost £2,000 was raised for St Nicholas Hospice, and the amount raised since the Hospice Bridge Teas started in 2011 is well in excess of £40,000
Last but not least, very special thanks to Bridget Alexander, whose extraordinary power of organisation drives the success of these events!
Last updated : 30th Dec 2023 23:47 GMT |
Wednesday Duplicate gets a Makeover! |
We would like to invite all Abbeygate members and guests to our new
Relaxed Club Duplicate
Wednesday 17th January, Nowton Court
Please note the slightly earlier start time of 6:30 for 6:45
Both Normal and Handicap Scoring, eligible for Masterpoints and NGS. Refreshments available all evening. No need to come with a partner - everyone who comes will be able to play
We hope to reboot Wednesday evening bridge this year to be an inclusive event for all Abbeygate members and visitors, whether beginners, improvers or established players, who would enjoy an evening of duplicate bridge at a relaxed pace in a sociable atmosphere. Please join us, and bring your friends!
Last updated : 19th Jan 2024 16:16 GMT |
Hospice Bridge Friday October 20th 2023 |
Entries are now open for the next Bridge for Fun afternoon in support of St Nicholas Hospice Care, at the Blackbourne Centre in Elmswell
Please note the slightly earlier start time, to be seated to start play promptly at 1:30pm
Once again there will be an excellent tea, provided by the Bury Friends Group
Click here to download and print an entry form. Entry forms will also be available at local bridge clubs over the next few weeks.
More information as always from Bridget: or 01284 749009
Last updated : 19th Jan 2024 16:17 GMT |
Committee Meeting Minutes |
We held an action packed committee meeting last week. Here are some highlights:
Slow play. This was raised at the AGM. The committee has agreed to buy a timer, to be deployed in the New Year
Scoring. We are currently a bit short of scorers. Any member who might be interested in learning to score please ask Tony, Christine or Jonathan or click here to send a message. It's easy!
There is a Club Teams of Four event to be held in March 2024 at Elmswell. So far we have three teams, please contact Tony or Pam if you would be interested in taking part. The more the merrier
Lighting. Nowton Court have supplied some temporary lighting in the Car Park, more lights are on order and there is still hope that the main lights might be repaired
Masterclass. Plans are afoot for a one day Masterclass exclusive to members at a discounted rate in 2024
Wednesday Duplicate. We hope to invite all members to play with Handicap Scoring, NGS and Masterpoints on some Wednesday evenings in 2024
The full minutes can be read by clicking here, or on Club Information on the main menu to the left of the screen
Last updated : 21st Jan 2024 16:23 GMT |
Bury Swiss Pairs Sunday 4th February 2024 |
Bury Swiss Pairs is a popular annual event open to all players:
Where and When:
Blackbourne Community Centre, Elmswell IP30 9UH 10.30 start, two sessions, 30 min break.
BLUE POINTED – cash prizes, amount dependent on entry numbers. Click here for more information
£10 entry fee per person. Click SWISS to enter
Coffee, tea and soft drinks will be available all day, please bring your own packed lunch
We would welcome a volunteer pair to play at the the last minute if we have a half table. Bury encourages best behaviour at the table
Emergency number on the day: Patsi Barnes 07888 307552.
Last updated : 1st Feb 2024 22:25 GMT |
The Annual General Meeting of Abbeygate Bridge Club was held at Nowton Court on Tuesday 14th November 2023. Thank you to all members who attended and contributed to the discussion. The minutes of the meeting (including the treasurer's report and financial statement) and chairman's report are now available on the club website under Club Information on the main menu, or follow the links below.
AGM Minutes 2023 Chairman's Report 2023
Both membership of the club and numbers playing have increased in the past twelve months, and our financial position is healthy. Members discussed the club's charitable activities and plans for future development, including an EBU director course to be hosted by the club in Spring 2024. The committee will be pleased to hear from any member who might be interested in training as scorer, director or teacher either now or in the future, or who would be interested in representing the club in competitions
Last updated : 5th Feb 2024 23:28 GMT |
Promotion for Elizabeth and Jackie |
Congratulations to Elizabeth Abercrombie-Barnett and Jackie Over who have received their Bridge Master certificates from the EBU. Masterpoints are a measure of lifetime achievement in bridge and the Bridge Master award, on achieving 5000 Masterpoints, is a significant milestone. Well done both.
Last updated : 5th Feb 2024 23:29 GMT |
Christmas win for Joan and Susie |
The last Tuesday Pairs before Christmas was party night, players enjoyed a glass of wine and appetisers before our usual duplicate. Congratulations to Joan and Susie who came top with an impressive score of 71%, and to John and Jackie in second place, the only pair to bid and make two slams. Many thanks to Terry and Mo for organising the party and supplying drinks, and to the many members who brought an impressive spread of tasty snacks
Last updated : 5th Feb 2024 23:30 GMT |
Bid this! - More suggestions |
North picked up this hand at our F2F club duplicate last Tuesday. How would you bid it? You can see the full deal on board 17 on Tuesday 23rd January
Here are bidding suggestions from Derek Brinkley, Susan Nisbett and Pauline Hanson
Pauline: "You can use 4NT opening bid. Opportunities to use it don’t crop up very often"
Susan: "I opened 2C & we play Jacoby steps so if partner can reply 2H (4-6) or better then I can use RKCB and bid 7NT if AH is opposite"
Derek: "Playing Benji ACOL, North opens 2C (19/20 balanced or minimum 8 playing tricks). Partner responds 2D as a relay. North then bids 4NT (RCKB) with last suit bid (i.e. Diamonds) and gets a reply of zero key cards from partner. At which point North bids 6D with only one losing trick. Had South shown 1 key card, then North can bid 7NT"
Thanks to Susan, Derek and Pauline for their excellent suggestions
Last updated : 16th Feb 2024 22:00 GMT |
Relaxed Club Duplicate next Wednesday |
All Abbeygate members and guests are warmly invited to our
Relaxed Club Duplicate
Wednesday 28th February, Nowton Court
Please be seated by 6:35 to start play at 6:45
Normal and Handicap Scoring, eligible for Masterpoints and NGS. Handicap scoring levels the playing field to some extent, and gives everyone the chance to shine
No need to come with a partner - everyone who comes will be able to play
If you would enjoy an evening of duplicate bridge at a relaxed pace in a sociable atmosphere, please join us, and bring your friends!
Last updated : 28th Feb 2024 23:32 GMT |
Relaxed Duplicate Winners |
Josh, Phil, Nancy and Nicki |
Phill and Sue |
Well done to Phill and Sue, Nancy and Nicki, joint N-S winners in Wednesday's relaxed duplicate. Josh and Phil took top place E-W with a stunning 80%, a great achievement for a first time partnership
12 pairs completed 18 boards, with several novice players taking the pace in their stride and finishing in good time. Special congratulations to Nicki Griffy (pictured with Nancy, her partner on the night), who took top spot playing in her first club duplicate event
Last updated : 20th Mar 2024 19:56 GMT |
Josh Clarke Masterclass |
Our very own Josh Clarke, Abbeygate member since 2023, and former England U26 International Player, will be presenting a Masterclass free for club members. The topic will be ‘Finesse!’
Where: Nowton Court
When: Friday 22nd March 2024
Time: 1:45 for 2:00pm (4:00pm finish)
Come alone or with a partner, everyone will be able to play. Guests accompanied by Abbeygate members will be welcome. Josh will give a seminar followed by supervised play of preset hands
Please sign up here (no charge) to give us an idea of numbers, or email
If you would have liked to attend but can’t make it this time, please click here to let us know. We look forward to seeing you for an entertaining afternoon of bridge instruction!
You can read more about Josh's bridge and teaching experience here
Last updated : 22nd Mar 2024 17:49 GMT |
Relaxed Club Duplicate |
All Abbeygate members and guests are warmly invited to our next
Relaxed Club Duplicate
Wednesday 27th March, Nowton Court
Please be seated by 6:35 to start play at 6:45
Normal and handicap scoring , eligible for Masterpoints and NGS, depending on numbers
No need to come with a partner - everyone who comes will be able to play
If you would enjoy an evening of duplicate bridge at a relaxed pace in a sociable atmosphere, please join us
Last updated : 28th Mar 2024 09:43 GMT |
ECats Charity Challenge |
Thanks to all who supported the ECats Charity Challenge on Monday and Tuesday in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and Mind. Well done Tim and Chris on Monday, and Richard and Paddy on Tuesday. Including donations the total amount raised was £238, which has already been forwarded to ECats
Hand records and commentaries are now available on the ECats website, Click here to find these.
Last updated : 28th Mar 2024 09:44 GMT |
Raffle Prizes Needed |
Jen Godfrey and her team are busy creating some mouthwatering hampers for next months Bridge Tea. Any donations will be gratefully received, at Abbeygate on Tuesday or Wednesday this week or at any local bridge club. Anything in the categories "garden", "toiletries", or "food and drink" will welcomed
Last updated : 1st Apr 2024 15:07 BST |
Hospice Bridge Tea Friday 12th April |
The next Bridge for Fun afternoon in support of St Nicholas Hospice Care will be held on Friday 12th April, at the Blackbourne Centre in Elmswell
Please note the slightly earlier start time, to be seated to start play promptly at 1:30pm
Once again there will be an excellent tea, provided by the Bury Friends Group
Click here to download and print an entry form. Entry forms will also be available at local bridge clubs over the next few weeks.
More information as always from Bridget: or 01284 749009
Last updated : 12th Apr 2024 18:58 BST |
Relaxed Club Duplicate next Wednesday |
All Abbeygate members and guests are warmly invited to our next
Relaxed Club Duplicate
Wednesday 28th February, Nowton Court
Please be seated by 6:35 to start play at 6:45
From this week onwards all Wednesday evening bridge will be played as relaxed duplicate sessions. We will play 18 boards to EBU rules at a relaxed pace, hoping to appeal both to less experienced and established club players. The results will count for Masterpoints and NGS. No need to come with a partner - everyone who comes will be able to play. If you would enjoy an evening of duplicate bridge at a relaxed pace in a sociable atmosphere, please join us, and bring your friends!
There have been some technical issues with the handicap scoring, but we hope to have this up and running soon. Only actual scores are submitted to the EBU for NGS and Masterpoints
Last updated : 25th Apr 2024 17:01 BST |
£47,000 and counting.. |
Mo, Ann and Bridget |
Another full turnout for the Hospice Bridge Tea raised £2,050 for St Nicholas Hospice, bringing the running total since the first event to more than £47,000. Winners were Andy Lewis and Julie Ashdown in Section A, and Elizabeth Ward and Liz Crowther in Section B, Elizabeth and Liz achieving the highest overall score of 75.5%
Thanks to Bridget for running the event, to Ann Gibbs and her team for providing the customary delicious tea, to directors Mo and Jonathan, to Jen Godfrey and her team for making hampers for the raffle, all who gave raffle prizes and to many, many others who helped on and before the day to make the event happen.
Special thanks to all who supported the event by playing and donating generously, to Cavendish and Stansfield Bridge Clubs for the loan of playing and scoring equipment and to Clare Bridge Club for their generous contribution to the raffle
Look out for the next Hospice event in October!
A number of items of lost property were left in the hall, please contact Bridget or any Abbeygate committee member to claim
Last updated : 25th Apr 2024 17:02 BST |
Learn to play Bridge at Abbeygate |
Would you like to learn Bridge, or know someone who does? From September there will be opportunities for all to learn, through Suffolk Libraries during the day and also at Abbeygate Bridge Club with a new series of lessons starting on Wednesday evenings
To learn more, please email or call Nancy Williams, telephone 07884 334376, email or click on 'Learn Bridge' in the menu
Last updated : 13th May 2024 21:48 BST |
Anne Nunn Trophy |
Members of Abbeygate and Bury St Edmunds Bridge Clubs are invited to compete for the the Anne Nunn Trophy this Thursday
Southgate Community Centre, Thursday 16th May, 6:30 for 7:00pm
Wine, soft drinks and canapés on arrival
The Trophy will be awarded to the overall winners, handicap scores will also be available
Last updated : 18th May 2024 17:12 BST |
Zeb Stocken at Hintlesham Hall |
Suffolk Bridge will be holding a bridge teaching event at Hintlesham Hall (IP8 3NS, between Ipswich and Hadleigh) on Thursday June 13. The event includes coffees/teas on arrival and a buffet lunch - all for just £40/head. Tickets are expected to sell quickly and space is limited to 20 tables - book early to avoid disappointment! Click on Suffolk for the County Association website, or Zeb Stocken for more details of the event and entry form
Last updated : 14th Jun 2024 05:43 BST |
Championship Pairs success for Abbeygate members |
Abbeygate members took the two top places at the Suffolk Bridge Championship Pairs last Sunday 21st April. Tim Evans and Chris Park were event winners, with John Bloomfield and Richard Evans a whisker behind. The competition was closely fought. 26 pairs played 50 boards yet barely two percentage points separated the top four pairs at the end. Congratulations to all Abbeygate players who reached the final
The full results can be seen by clicking on Championship Pairs
Tim, Chris and John along with Celia help the club by directing Monday night online Realbridge sessions, which are run exclusively for Abbeygate members. These are well run, enjoyable sessions at which all members are welcome at any level of experience. Just 20 boards against familiar opponents, on what has become the UK's most reliable and popular platform for online club events. Click on Realbridge on the menu on the left to join, Realbridge Information to find out more
Last updated : 19th Jun 2024 16:44 BST |
Abbeygate Players top the ECats Rankings |
Abbeygate members Jayne Hunnable and Susan Nisbett not only came top at the club on the Tuesday evening ECats Simultaneous Pairs in March - they also came first in the national rankings, when all the results from clubs across the country were combined. A respectable score of 66% on the night translated to an impressive 71.3% in the national results. The Monday Realbridge session was won at the club by Tim Evans and Chris Park - who were ranked fourth nationally scoring 66.6%. Congratulations to both pairs! Click here for the full results
Last updated : 19th Jun 2024 16:45 BST |
Success for Abbeygate in Teams of Four |
Two Abbeygate teams competed against some of the top players in the County last Sunday, in the SCBA Club Teams of Four event held at Elmswell. Pam Pope, Josh Clarke, Nancy Williams and Dave Allen took fourth place out of 23 entrants, while Peter Warren Denis Carter, Joan Hogarth and Susie Hull came in ninth. The result was closely contested, only 8 IMPs separating the first four teams after playing 44 boards. Nancy and Dave were the third highest scoring pair out of 46 on Cross-Imps.
Congratulations to all our contestants. Any Abbeygate members who would like to know more about teams play and competitions please contact Team Captain Pam Pope
Last updated : 19th Jun 2024 16:45 BST |
Big turn out for Finessing Masterclass at Nowton Court |
More than forty members turned out at Nowton Court on Friday for Josh's Masterclass on finessing. After a brief presentation (who knew there were so many types of finesse?) we were in at the deep end with some challenging and instructive card play, which kept us occupied for the rest of the afternoon.
Many thanks to Josh and to Celia and Nancy who provided expert supervision of the tricky deals, and to Nancy for tea and biscuits
Click on Josh Clarke to ask Josh about any aspect of today's Masterclass, and about bridge lessons for individuals and small groups
Click on Slides to see Josh's presentation, which ended with the diabolical deal shown above (6H by South. Lead: Two of Diamonds)
Click on Hands to see all sixteen boards with Josh's commentaries
Last updated : 19th Jun 2024 16:45 BST |
Start time for Tuesday Evening Bridge - a reminder |
This is gentle reminder that the start time for Tuesday sessions at Nowton Court is 6:40 for a 6:50 start
To start as close to 6:50 as possible the director has to decide the movement and set up the scoring system by 6:45. Subsequent changes to the movement cause errors and delay and are best avoided. For this reason the directors have decided that players arriving after 6:45 will not usually be able to play. We don't want members to be disappointed, so please arrive early!
The room at Nowton Court is open from 6:15. Thanks to all members who habitually arrive early and help set up the room
If you are held up e.g. by traffic or roadworks, please let the director know by phone so we can include you in the movement and reserve seats (please see the Club Information pages for directors' phone numbers)
Last updated : 25th Sep 2024 12:29 BST |
Cafe Bridge comes to Bury St Edmunds |
Would you like to play bridge, meet new friends and support one of our favourite local charities? The first ever Cafe Bridge event in Bury St Edmunds, in support of St Nicholas Hospice Care, will happen on Thursday 19th September between 10.15 and 15.45. Just £30 each, including lunch and a £15 donation to the hospice
Click Cafe Bridge for more information, or Cafe Bridge Entry Form to enter directly
Also coming up is the SCBA Autumn Bridge Festival on September 8th, and the green pointed Suffolk County Congress on 5/6th October, both events will be held at Elmswell. Click on Suffolk Events for details and online entry
Last updated : 25th Sep 2024 12:29 BST |
Josh's Defence Course |
Josh's much anticipated defence course will be running in October and November.
The course will run over eight weeks and there will be two opportunities to attend each lesson, at two different venues - Tuesday afternoons at Cavendish Hall Pavilion in Thurston and Friday afternoons in the Dance Studio at Nowton Court. Participants will be able to attend either session each week.
Dates will be as follows:
Tuesdays October 8, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12, 16, 26 at Cavendish Hall Pavilion Church Road, Thurston, IP31 3RU
Fridays October 4,11, (not 18th), 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at Nowton Court Dance Studio Bury St Edmunds IP29 5LU
This course is open to Abbeygate members and their guests, and members of all local bridge clubs. The course will be most useful to members who have started to play in the last two or three years, but all are welcome. The cost will be £60 per person, just £7.50 per lesson
Enter by clicking on Josh Defence Course
Any questions please email Josh here
"I'm excited to be running another 8 week course on behalf of Abbeygate Bridge Club! This course will be focusing on defence, including opening leads, signalling, and other techniques to best defeat any contract. The course can be beneficial to individuals or as a partnership. The format will be an opening presentation, followed by a session of playing 8 boards with analysis after every two boards. I look forward to seeing many of you there!" - Josh Clarke
Last updated : 3rd Oct 2024 12:00 BST |
Entries are now open for the Hospice Bridge Tea |
Friday 18th October at the Blackbourne Centre, Elmswell IP30 9UH
1:15 for a prompt start at 1:30
About 18 boards at a gentle pace, with a break for a delicious home made tea, fabulous raffle prizes
Last updated : 20th Oct 2024 18:08 BST |
Children in Need |
Once again the club will be taking part in the ECatsBridge Simultaneous Pairs in support of BBC Children in Need next week. Table money on Monday 11th (Realbridge) and Tuesday 12th November (F2F) will be set at £3.00 and all receipts will be donated to the charity. Additional donations can be made through your club account - use your name and CIN as the reference, or in cash to any committee member. Club results will appear on the website as usual, national results will be available on the ECatsBridge website
Last updated : 17th Nov 2024 21:18 GMT |
Andrew Robson at Abbeygate & Risbygate Fundraiser |
Andrew Robson Masterclass
Thanks from the club to everyone who helped with running the event last Tuesday, and clearing up at the end. I think everyone who attended the day enjoyed both the bridge and the lunch, and I'm sure we all learned something. I have had a lot of people express their appreciation, both personally and by email
Special thanks to Mo and Terry for organising the catering. Several people have asked for the name of our caterer, click on Casper's Catering for the website or call 07432 503403
Thanks also to Phil Peters and Harry Huson Bridge Club for letting us use their playing equipment, that saved a lot of work transporting boxes and tables from Nowton.
Risbygate Bridge Club
is holding a fundraiser on Monday 18th November, 1:45 at Risbygate Sports Club. £15 per head entry fee includes afternoon tea, a session of friendly duplicate and the opportunity to enter the raffle
Email Caroline to book your place
Last updated : 18th Nov 2024 22:08 GMT |
Parking |
Could members please be careful to park only in designated spaces at Nowton Court, one car to one space, without causing obstruction to others. We are asked not to park in spaces reserved for residents. Additional parking is available at the front of the building, but please bear in mind that we are requested not to enter the building via the main entrance.
Last updated : 18th Nov 2024 22:09 GMT |
Christmas Party |
Abbeygate Christmas Party
Abbeygate will be holding two Christmas parties this year, and members and their guests will be welcome at either or both events
Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th December will be the last two club nights of the year, with Christmas drinks and light bites on offer starting at 6:00pm on both evenings.
In a break from tradition, members are not expected to bring their own nibbles and snacks, as all refreshments will be provided by the club.
As in previous years, members don’t need to come with a partner, as both evenings will be hosted, so you are guaranteed to be able to play, even if your partner cannot make it.
Bridge will start as close as possible to the normal time on both evenings after the festivities
We look forward to welcoming you to Nowton Court on both nights
Last updated : 19th Dec 2024 10:56 GMT |
Exciting news about Bridge at Abbeygate in the New Year |
Josh Clarke
Sally Brock
Bridge at Abbeygate in the New Year - please save the dates
Josh Clarke will be running a new course - starting on 4th February on Tuesdays and Fridays for eight weeks. More detail from Josh, all dates and an entry form will be on the website soon
On Friday March 7th members will have a unique opportunity to play with England International Sally Brock. Sally will be visiting us by invitation to play in a club duplicate, which will be followed by lunch and a review of the boards played. The cost will be just £20 per player for Abbeygate and Bury Bridge Club members, any remaining places will be offered to non-members from 1st February. Look out for the entry form on the website soon.
And finally: 9 High Corwen - Online EBU Competition for Intermediates
The entry form for the 9 High Corwen is now 'live' on the EBU website. It is an online event being held on RealBridge on Sunday the 6th of April. The event is open any player with an NGS of 9 or lower on the 1st of Jan 2025.
The top three pairs will be invited to represent the county in the final - also online - on the 31st of May. And the entry is FREE!
Click here for full details and entry form
Last updated : 30th Dec 2024 16:02 GMT |
"Bridge for Fun" hits the £50,000 target |
The Hospice Bridge Tea took place on October 18th at Elmswell Community Centre, with the customary fabulous tea and superb hampers for the raffle. The amount raised on this occasion was £1900, with 16 duplicate tables and 1 Chicago table taking part
"Bridge For Fun" in aid of St Nicholas Hospice first started in 2011 and since then has raised more than £50,000 for the Hospice. Thanks to all who supported the event by donating, taking part, organising and catering, and to our friends at Harry Huson, Clare, Stansfield and Cavendish Bridge Clubs for loans of equipment and generous donations
The next Hospice Bridge Tea will be in Spring of 2025

Last updated : 30th Dec 2024 16:02 GMT |
Josh's Doubles Masterclass in January |
Josh Clarke will be running another Masterclass in the New Year, focusing on possibly the most useful card in the bidding box - Double!
Date and Time: Friday January 17th 1:00 - 4:00pm with a break for refreshments
Venue: Nowton Court, Bury St Edmunds IP29 5LU
Josh writes:
I'm delighted to announce the upcoming Masterclass on Doubles! This will include a wide range of different types of doubles: takeout, penalty, negative, lead directing and perhaps one or two other rather "specialist" doubles as well! We'll also be looking at how a double can be used effectively when you need to overcall with a really strong hand, and how to use them to your advantage. The session will be entirely bidding focused, with a minimum of 16 hands, a break in the middle with drinks and nibbles, and of course lots of analysis as well! Feel free to either attend with a partner or come along solo, this session is designed for all players of any ability level, playing any type of bidding system. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Click on Doubles Masterclass for more information and online entry form
Last updated : 24th Jan 2025 11:38 GMT |
Suffolk Championship Pairs |
Our club duplicate next Tuesday evening, 28th January will be a qualifying heat for this year's Suffolk Championship Pairs. All pairs who achieve 50% or more in a club heat will be eligible to take part in the Championship Pairs final at Elmswell on Sunday 27 April 2025.
Players may only attempt qualification once - please inform the director on the night if you wish to attempt qualification before play starts.
Abbeygate will be holding an online qualifying heat on Monday 24th February, open to players from all Suffolk clubs, who have not had the opportunity to enter before
Yours sincerely
Last updated : 29th Jan 2025 17:16 GMT |
Bury Swiss Pairs |
Bury Swiss Pairs
Places are still available for Bury St Edmunds Bridge Club’s annual open Swiss Pairs event
Sunday 9th February starting at 11:00am
The event is Blue Pointed (lots of Masterpojnts to be won) and this year for the first time will be held online, on RealBridge. Play in the comfort of your own home with the opportunity to chat with your delightful opponents
Director Rob Sassoon. 42 boards to play. Click on BURY SWISS PAIRS to enter
Last updated : 9th Feb 2025 13:59 GMT |