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Please see the County News Page for details of the SCBA AGM


YPBC  Sessions START at 2 p.m. from Thursday April 4th 2024

 Minutes of the YPBC AGM may be found under the Main Menu option 'Yeovil Phoenix News/Minutes'


See below for Somerset AGM


See Center Panel for details of YPBC AGM



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Yeovil Phoenix News/Minutes

Yeovil Phoenix Bridge Club

AGM – 1pm 28th September 2023      YESS Club Yeovil

1.    Apologies for absence.

      Bridget Thorne.

2.    Nominations and Appointment to the YPBC Committee.

      Johnathan Goodhall (JG)

JG proposed by Robin Bell(RB) and seconded by Bruce Critchley(BC). JG was duly elected to serve as the standby Treasurer in the event that RB has to move away.

The existing members of the Committee offered themselves for re-election and were unanimously approved.

3.   Treasurers Report.

RB presented a Financial Statement (copy below). He also proposed that Table Money be retained at £2.50 - commensurate with making use of the Club Scratch Card System. Visitors and casual attendees paying £3.00 was accepted. So also was the proposal that potential new members be encouraged to play at YPBC by the offer of 2 Free Sessions.

4.   AOB

In view of traffic congestion at 5.00pm and dark evenings once the clocks go back it was suggested - and generally accepted - that an earlier ‘Winter’ starting time should be tried. After some discussion about the time a show of hands favoured a 1pm start time (7 votes) over a 1.30pm start time (4 votes). In view of the small sample David Steele (DS) Membership Secretary was asked to canvas the full membership to establish an acceptable concensus.

5.    There being no further business the meeting concluded at 1.14pm.

Treasurers Report

We currently have a balance of £3,208.93 in our deposit account and £778.00 in our current account.
We are running at about 5 tables each week bringing in an average income of £50 using our popular table cards.
Rent for Thursday afternoons and weekly storage is £27.50, duplimating, EBU fees and insurance are the other small running costs which are all easily covered by the table money.
The only significant outstanding cost expected by the club is the further payments of £200 over the next 2 years for the new bridge mates, supplied by SCBA.
I therefore propose we keep the table money charge at £2.50, with the visitor charge at £3.00.  However potential new members are encouraged to join and allowed 2 free sessions.
New treasurer  Jonathan Goodall




Yeovil Phoenix Bridge Club

AGM – 12.45pm 15th September 2022           Yeovil Golf Club



1.     Apologies for Absence

Gilly Gibbons, Rachel Pantling, Jill Denham

2.    Nomination and appointment of YPBC Committee

Proposed by Jane Darby and seconded by Shirley Durrant:

Bruce Critchley  

Robin Bell

Bob Warrender

Bridget Thorn

David Steele  

Tony Manickam

There being no further nominations the above named were duly elected.

3.    Club Name

The name The Yeovil Phoenix Bridge Club was unanimously endorsed by  a show of hands.

4.    Chairman’s Report (Bruce Critchley (BC))

Our relocation to Yeovil Golf club was seen as a success and endorsed by all. BC reminded the meeting that space remained tight and that with the possible increase in numbers over the winter could lead to limitations on those numbers thus Informing Bob Warrender (Sec) of an intention to play became  ever more important. BC had already spoken to YGC about larger numbers and (unless there  was a big golf society taking up space) they were prepared for some overflow into the bar area. Any table charges for that extra space would go to YGC.

 All agreed that the ‘assisited play’ facility was a success, those participating emphasized their  enjoyment of it and Ray Walder was thanked for his role in masterminding it.

5.    Treasurers Report (Robin Bell (RB))

RB began by thanking Mary Gordon both for her years of acting as Treasurer and for making his inheritance of the role as easy and well organized as possible.

He then reported on the state of the Club’s finances.

Sufficient funds were identified from the old Yeovil Bridge Club Funds   which enabled YPBC to start up and function initially without table  money.

Shortly after, Table Money was introduced at £2.50 per player.  After 5 months of operating at the £2.50 per player funds were nearly back to where we were at the start minus the cost of a new Club computer.

The interim committee decided to takeup the Somerset County Bridge Association (SCBA) offer of initial funding of new Bridgemates for the Club. It is likely that YPBC will have to pay back 50% (£750) of the purchase price for these new Bridgemates in 2023.

RB also reported on the success of the Scratch Cards system  for payment of Table Money. This system introduced, with the approval of the interim committee, is a card costing £20 which allows for 8 playing sessions at £2.50 and obviates the need for the collecting and holding of cash. (Players are allowed to elect to pay the Table Money if they so wish but are encouraged to purchase a Scratch Card) A player is asked to date one of the eight squares on the card at each playing session (inspected by the other players at the table). When all eight squares are dated a new card can be purchased from the Treasurer.

6.    Membership Secretary’s Report (David Steele (DS))

 A list of members is to be drawn up from the Membership Forms  completed by all those who wished to join the club. Cost of joining will   be £5 p.p. (Membership Forms will be available on the web site).

By Jan 1st next year a Dance Card (similar to that used in  other clubs) will  be produced with the Name & Telephone number of the member. Once  printed, the card will be distributed to members.

The membership form also contains a paragraph relating to the Data  Protection Act which must be signed by all members.

7.     Any other business

Bridget Thorn enquired (on behalf of those who lived on the other side of Yeovil) if it might be possible to start at 1.30 instead of 2.00, as the Yeovil rush hour was in full swing at 5.00pm. While sympathizing, a show of hands found there was insufficient support for this idea.

Stephanie Lawrence wondered what was the point of becoming a member at a cost if anyone could come and play at the same rate (£2.50). After some discussion the committee agreed to address this anomaly and report back. Meanwhile all playing at YPBC will continue to pay the standard table money rate (£2.50) till the end of 2022.

In response to a question regarding the continued presence of hosts for any who turn up without a partner, the committee confirmed that the current system of a committee member or two always being available would continue. For the moment there is no plan for a specific host as this always ran the risk of someone (the host) not getting a game. This system also gave flexibility to those running the assisted section.

The subject of other forms of competition becoming a part of play at YPBC, such as Teams or Simultaneous Pairs, was aired but BW stated it was probably too early in the life of the YPBC for this to be considered. In time though introducing one or other, or both, would be on our agenda.

There being no further business, the AGM closed at 01.20pm


  Organisers Meeting Jul 2022

Yeovil Phoenix Bridge Club 

Organiser’s meeting – 28th July 2022 


Present: Bob Warrender (BW), Robin Bell (RB), Dave Steele (DS) and Bruce Critchley (BC)

Apologies: Shirley Durrant SD), Tony Manickam (TM)

There were no points arising from our last meeting in April.  These I believe were the main points of discussion/agreement.

   1    RB provided a print out of our financial activity from when we started in April to the present day. In explanation he showed that while our setting up costs were considerable in the early days, that money was being clawed back through healthy attendance. It was agreed that a light hand on the financial tiller (not too much recording of exact amounts of income v expenditure) should be satisfactory, but quarterly monitoring by the Committee would be needed to keep an eye on this.

   2    Agreed that our annual financial statement should be audited and that initially Mary Gordon (MG) would be asked to do this. (MG-Ex- Treasurer)

   3    For the time being no action was necessary on establishing a Constitution. The concept would be reviewed again in due course.

   4    MG had asked to stay on the Committee even though ceasing to be Treasurer. Those present felt she would have to be more involved in the Club to justify this; DS would speak to her to see where she stood.

   5    Mindful of the importance of having ladies on the Committee, Bridget Thorn has agreed that she would happily become a Committee member. Her name will be added to the list before the AGM.

   6    Thursday 8th Sept was chosen to hold our AGM; the time would be 1.00pm at YGC. BC to check that we would have early access to the room on that day and agree any cost (prob 1 extra hour). The Agenda for the AGM will be available for those playing the previous Thursday (Sept 1st) and we will agree the content beforehand.

   7    Agreed that a new computer was needed. The cost would be £510 and club funds are sufficient to cover this; YPBC doing well enough not to need assistance of Somerset CBA. RB/BW will buy and set up the new equipment.

   8    Agreed that the website needed to be kept up to date and old info removed. BC will initially write a ‘masthead’ piece on where we are now etc. This to be updated on a regular basis.

    BW will collate relevant bridge activity information to be added as and when necessary and TM (though not present today) will hopefully be able to  continue managing the site while content comes from others.

   9    The Committee, while happy with attendance during the hot summer months, are aware that numbers might rise in the winter. For the time being the acceptance by YGC that on normal days we could expand by a table or two into the ‘big room’, with any monies gleaned from so doing being passed to YGC. This seemed a reasonable way forward.

    Conformation that as long as the ‘snug’ was not wanted by members or management we could use it and would not be charged.

   10    DS will write to all members of the old Yeovil BC to see if they still wished to remain members and would still be keen to come and play.  Once this was sorted an up to date members list could be created. This will also be the time to reinforce the fact that as we might well get busier once the clocks go back and therefore it will become more important to ‘book in’ to avoid disappointment on the day.

Thanks all




  YPBC Members Update - 29 April 22


Yeovil Phoenix Bridge Club 

Organiser’s meeting – 28th April 2022 

Present:- Bob Warrender(BW), Robin Bell(RB), Tony Manickam(TM), Bruce Critchley(BC) (apologies; Dave Steele(DS)) 

  1. A review of 1 month’s activity at our new club we agreed that we were perhaps ahead of where we thought we might be at this stage; logistics (limited space) decreed we had immediately to divide bridge playing into organized duplicate in the main room with assisted play in the ‘snug’ at Yeovil Golf Club. Secondly, numbers for both were encouraging and manageable. Total players; 07.04 = 48, 14.04 = 36, 21.04 = 34, 28.04 = 40.    

  1. BW’s ‘light touch’ calling round to establish likely attendees each week was working well and will continue until members get in the habit of noting their intention to attend via This should be raised and encouraged whenever possible. 

  1. With progress ensured, a Committee was formulated, as follows: Bruce Critchley – Chair. Bob Warrender – Secretary. Robin Bell – Treasurer. David Steele – Membership. Mary Gordon – Treasury support. Tony Manickam – Website support.

  1. While funds from the old Yeovil Bridge Club have enabled Yeovil Phoenix to start up without charges, it was agreed that table money should now be charged, starting in May and would be (in line with other bridge clubs locally) £2.50 per player per session. It was noted that - with established outgoings to play bridge at YGC - an average of 6 tables per week would be sufficient for fees to exceed outgoings; a number that has been achieved each of the first 4 weeks. 

  1. Noting that cash is more rarely used post Covid, RB proposed – and it was agreed - that we introduce a ‘scratch card’ system, whereby regular attendees could purchase a £20 card that would entitle them to 8 playings, dates crossed off as used. This would remove the necessity of every time having to come with the right money. Cards will be available to buy from the next meeting – May 4th. 

  1. Mindful that YPBC is now up and running, but remains a member’s club, there will be a General Meeting at a suitable point later this summer (prob June/July) to ratify its existence and the individuals running it. 

  1. AOB – Noted that the club remains totally reliant on BW to run each bridge session (with considerable thanks to Tony Russ of SCBA for his part in getting us going). RB & BC are familiarizing themselves with different parts of the exercise (RB computer/BC player organization), but this continues to be a ‘fragile’ area. Tony Russ has offered to stay as a back up for the time being. The same is true for the services of a Director for (hopefully rare) moments when questions of rules/etiquette need sorting. NB It is Important that all players remain aware this can sometimes be a sensitive area and moderate calls for Director; aggressive summons can so easily cause offense. 



Yeovil Phoenix Bridge Club has now been up and running for some 4 months and even though these are still early days, indications are our Club is going in the right direction. In the summer months when all sorts of pleasurable activities are available outside, we have still been averaging some 5+ tables – though down a bit during Wimbledon fortnight! We have every hope therefore that these numbers will only improve as the days draw in.

That being the case it will become even more important to book in ahead on, or direct with Bob Warrender. Our room at Yeovil Golf Club has been well received, but with 8 tables maximum it will have to be on a first come first served basis. There may be room for some expansion into the larger space beyond our door, but only if nothing else is going on there at the time.

With committee members always on hand to help, a successful assisted play section has been running alongside the ‘main game’. There has been a regular 1 or 2 tables always going – sometimes in the main room when space allows – but usually in a separate ‘snug’ the other side of the bar. One or two have progressed to the main game while others have continued to come and enjoy this facility.

Having established ourselves, it is now time formally to register YPBC and to this end we will be holding our first AGM at 12.45pm Thursday 15th September (one and a quarter hours before play begins on that day). We hope those who are already regular players will attend, so too those who are still members of the old Yeovil Bridge Club but yet to try our new location.

YPBC Is Here To Stay