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General Information
Western Bridge Club, Glasgow

    The club was founded in the west end of Glasgow during 1937, although original members had met in house groups for several years previously.  The Glasgow Academical Club pavilion with its extensive, free, off-the-road parking, has been the club premises since 1978.

    An important feature since the 1970s has been participation in National events run by the SBU and BGB, and there has been a gradual increase in club cup tournaments since that time.  Currently one team from the club plays in the SBU Western District League, Division  4.  For many years the club has held a weekend congress in the spring, in the past at Peebles Hydro, while the Christmas party, catered for by an outside company, has been a well-anticipated evening.

    The stand-by system has operated since 1980, allowing members to play when their usual partners are absent, and it also ensures that visitors will get a game.  Membership in 2018 is around 50. We play on Wednesday afternoons at 1pm.  An average duplicate tournament will see 6 -8 tables.


Western Bridge Club Disciplinary Code and Process


Normally bridge play at the Western Bridge Club runs smoothly and all members are courteous to and respectful of each other.  Unfortunately, as in any gathering, there are sometimes problems and disputes.  If possible, efforts should be made to resolve these issues informally and as soon as they occur.  However, if that is not possible, then the process outlined below should be followed.

This process is modelled on the Scottish Bridge Union Disciplinary Code and is a simplified alternative.  It is intended to deal with situations relating to behaviour.  Any situations relating to alleged cheating are the responsibility of the SBU and will be referred to them.

The SBU Disciplinary Code can be found here:

For a straightforward case relating to behaviour, written statements from participants and witnesses may be all that is required.  The Western Bridge Club, like the SBU,  has adopted “comfortable satisfaction” as the required standard of proof.

The following guidance relating to sanctions has been taken from the SBU website:



OFFENCE                                                                         SUGGESTED SANCTIONS                                            SUGGESTED SANCTIONS

                                                                                          Where accused accepts charge and                       Where accused maintains innocence

   apologises and shows remorse.                              and there is no apology


Verbal abuse or loss of temper                                 Censure with warning that subsequent                   6 to 12 month suspension, possibly suspended if

at table (excluding TD rulings agreed                       offence will cause greater sanction                          mitigating factors exist

at the time)


Physical abuse or extended or serious                    6 to 18 month suspension or expulsion at              2 to 3 year suspension or expulsion at the discretion

disruption at the Club or at a tournament             the  discretion of the Committee                              of the Committee