Valley Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Need a partner? Contact Marilyn Dalton at (506) 847 4363

Special Games
NAP Qualifier

NAP stands for North American Pairs. NAP qualifiers will be scheduled in June, July and August 2018. Dates TBA. This event awards 50/50 red and black at 81.8% sectional rating.  Pairs who qualify at the club level may proceed to the District level event that awards red and gold points.

As described on the ACBL site: "a highly prestigious “grass roots” event, the North American Pairs starts at the club level in June, July and August. Club-level qualifications may be earned at any club in any unit in any district. A player may qualify as often as desired and with as many different partners as desired. Unit-level qualifiers are optional and held after Sept. 1 and before the district final, which may be held after the unit final until the third week in January. At the district final, both players must have qualified at the club level and must be members of the parent district. A fixed amount prize will be awarded in all flights as follows:

  1. Districts are entitled to three pairs in Flight A (Open) and four pairs in Flights B (0-2500) and C (under 500 Non-Life Master).
  2. First place qualifiers will receive $700 per person; second place qualifiers will receive $300 per person; third and fourth place qualifiers will be invited to participate in the national level finals, but will not receive a prize.
  3. In the event of a tie at the district finals, the qualifiers will receive the total of the awards for the tied places, divided by the number of players involved with the tie.
  4. Invited defenders will receive $700 per person.
  5. No individual may collect two concurrent prizes.

The monetary award will be available on site. Qualifiers must play in the national level event until eliminated to receive the award. There will be no entry fee for the national level of the event. Some districts do provide additional funding."

The District 1 (east) finals will be in late October and early November:

Flight A: TBA

Flight B: TBA

Flight C: TBA

District winners may proceed to the NAP finals at the Spring NABC in Memphis TN (March 21-31).




More Special Games

There are several types of special games we can have at the Club. Here are some of them:

Club Championship games have a masterpoint rating of 63.6% sectional-rated black points. We can have one per quarter. Our first one for 2018 will be March 16.

Club Membership games have a masterpoint rating of 81.8% sectional-rated black points. We can have one of these per year. Date TBA.

Club Appreciation games have a masterpoint rating of 81.8% sectional-rated black points. We can have one of these per year during October. Date TBA

Charity Club Championship games have a masterpoint rating of 63.6% sectional-rated black points. Dates TBA.




STaC games - what are they?

Just what it is a STaC game anyway? Contrary to what someone said Friday night, it doesn't mean "the cards are stacked against me." wink

STaC stands for Sectional Tournament at Clubs - per ACBL they are "ACBL tournaments with sectional rating staged at many clubs in a geographical area over a period of up to seven days. Events are played at several clubs, and results are transmitted to a central office manned by the director in charge. The director combines the results to determine the winners and overall places for participants. Masterpoints awarded are silver."

The advantages of having a STaC game are: (1) awarding silver points instead of black, (2) awarding more points than a normal club game, (3) not having to travel to a tournament (especially in December, January, and February) to get silver points, and (4) hand records with a list of contracts that can be made.

Looking at the results from June 16, if it had been a normal club game, our winners would have gotten 0.7 black points, but with the sectional rating and giving Overall awards, the winners received 3.19 silver points.

As it turned out, we were the only club with a Friday night game in this STaC, but if you look back at the STaC results for Feb 17, our results were combined with 4 other clubs, for a total of 33.5 tables. Our top team finished second overall and received 6.19 silver points.