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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

October 26th, 2017 Minutes
Unit Board Meeting October 26, 2017 at 3:30 pm Des Moines Bridge Center

Present: Eric Hill, Barb Maas, Carolyn Miller, Craig Nelsen, Bonni Newton, Kate Reynolds,
Penny Rittgers, Carolyn Sabroske, Bill Wallace, Gregg Walsh
Guests: Bill Long, Rich Newell
Absent: Margie Brennan, Dee Wilson

Minutes: Approved. Dee Wilson has given verbal intent to Sheraton for the 2019 DM Regional.

Treasurer’s Report: Accepted. Rich Newell will audit the books in January.

Education: 120 people have attended classes this fall. The Education committee will meet in
November to plan for winter/spring classes. Mike Smith will teach Play of the Hand beginning
in March, but not thru DMPS. We will advertise a beginner class next fall thru DMPS. Nancy
Wilson has been approached by a group to teach a beginning class in either December or

Old Business
Defibrillator: A class will be taught on the defibrillator and CPR in January. All club owners have
agreed to attend. Hopefully, the teachers will also attend. Carolyn Sabroske will follow-up on
times for the classes.

By-Laws: Rich Newell, Craig Nelsen and Bill Wallace will rework the by-laws. We will vote on
them in December.

Unit Party. There were 54 in attendance. Bonni Newton and Gregg Walsh were re-elected to the
board. Bill Long and Rich Newell were elected to the board.

New Business
January Tournament: Gregg will be chairman & Craig will co-chair. Gregg presented a tentative
flyer. Rich Newell suggested changing the stratas to A: 2000+, B: 750-2000, C: 0-750. Eight is
Enough strata needs to change as well for consistency.

Bridge Pads: We have 11 non-functioning bridge pads. Barb Maas will contact a different
company to determine how soon the pads can be reworked. They will be needed for the
January tournament.

Holiday Party: Eric Hill and Carolyn Sabroske will cochair. Linda Johnson will help. Friday,
December 15, 5:30. Play at 6:30. A-M will bring side dishes.

Rich Newell’s Postcard Proposal to encourage attendance at the next tournament was
approved including $150 for expenditures.

Non-Life Master Regional Tournament: The board approved changing Stars of Tomorrow to a
NLM 750 and under Regional Tournament at the Bridge Center.

Next meeting is December 7 at 3:30.

Updated by Bonni Newton 12/11/17