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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

May 18th, 2017 Minutes
Unit Board Meeting May 18, 2017 at 3:40 pm Des Moines Bridge Center

Present: Eric Hill, Barb Maas, Carolyn Miller, Craig Nelsen, Bonni Newton, Kate Reynolds,
Carolyn Sabroske, Gregg Walsh, and Dee Wilson. Absent were Margie Brennan, Penny Rittgers,
and Bill Wallace.

President Bonni Newton called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken. There needs to be a
correction to the minutes from the previous meeting. Education: The second sentence needs
to read (Nancy Wilson has agreed to organize Learn Bridge in a Day} Craig Nelsen moved to
accept the amended minutes from April 6 and Carolyn Sabroske seconded it. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Carolyn Miller presented the treasurer’s report. Dee suggested that the
Regional tournament expenses be kept separate from the Unit sponsored other three
tournaments. Suggestion was accepted. Carolyn Sabroske moved to accept the treasurer’s
report with Eric Hill seconding it. Motion passed. We have $28,976.41 on hand as of today.

Regional: Kate Reynolds gave an update on the Regional. Our ad in the Bridge Bulletin blends
into the page and does not stand out. In the future we need to consider making a more
effective looking flyer. Kate is doing the eblast the week of May 22 for our tournament. It will
also include pictures and mention our quilt raffle. Canvassing the eateries near the Sheraton for
coupons and gift certificates to be given is going on this week. There are some incentives
coming in. Food for our guests will be finalized tomorrow. The hospitality room will be open
each morning before the am game offering coffee, juice, rolls, fruit, etc. It will be open after the
evening game each evening offering snacks and adult beverages. Bonni has a luncheon planned
on Monday for newcomers and then lessons in the pm. Newcomers will be encouraged to play
all week.

Bidding Boxes: Eric Hill has gone through them all and replaced cards where needed. We have
60 tables of bidding boxes. Eric recommended buying 100 pass cards and 50 alert cards in the
future. Eric wants the bidding boxes we are using for the Regional to be brought here shortly so
they can be inspected.

Education: Plans for beginning bridge classes are underway for Monday evening taught by Mike
Smith and Wednesday and Friday afternoons taught by Paul Spong. They will be held in the
library at the Bridge Center.

Old Business: Bonni updated on the purchase of a defibrillator. The Corporate Board will only
pay for half of the total ($907) if the directors agree to be trained on it. The Corporate will
discuss this with the directors. Bonni suggested all teachers be trained also.

Craig Nelsen with the help of Bill Wallace is working on our By-Laws revisions. Bonni said they
must be done by August. They must be filed with the State of Iowa with an attorney’s approval.

Bud Stowe is running our website. He is using a program for free for three months put out by
BridgeWeb. It has many interesting features like breaking down hands and individual
performances on each hand and facebook. The cost of this program would be 120-150 pounds

Medallion Party: It is June 10. Eric Hill has all the preplans made. Gregg Walsh will be directing
the game. Awards will be presented at noon with a buffet to follow and then a game. The Unit
is supplying the meat and rolls and players with last names A-M are to bring a side dish. Water,
ice tea, and coffee will be provided.

New Business: Flyers for our Cornbelt tournament and Stars of Tomorrow need to be available
at our Regional. There may be a new format. 8 is Enough may replace the Swiss Teams Sunday
games. The Cornbelt needs to be a grass roots game and the guidelines for grass roots must be
followed. Bonni is checking into it. Linda Johnson and Bonni Newton will have the final decision
on how the tournament format looks. Stars of Tomorrow date will remain the same even
though there are some conflicts.

Craig moved to adjourn and Eric seconded it. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm.

Submitted by Barb Maas for Penny