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The objects of "The Club" shall be to provide facilities for the playing of Contract Bridge and to distribute any surpluses arising from competitions to charity.
  General Rules


(passed on 03/10/2018)


1. The Name of the Club shall be ST THERESE BRIDGE CLUB.


2. The objectives of the Club are:

(a) to encourage and promote the playing of, and interest in, the game of bridge;

(b) to organise bridge tournaments for members on a regular basis;

(c) to make charitable donations if funds permit.


3. Membership of the Club shall be confined to those who have paid the current subscription levied by the Management Committee (MC) and who are not in arrears. Any person is in arrears if they have not paid any debt due by them to the Club for more than eight weeks. The MC may, if it sees necessary, restrict the number of members. A membership waiting list will be kept by the MC. The MC may propose to an Annual General Meeting (AGM) the creation of Honorary Members.


4. The Management of the Club shall be entrusted to the Management Committee (MC).

5. The MC shall comprise the following elected at the Annual General Meeting: (a) President, (b) Treasurer, (c) Secretary and up to seven other members. The existing MC shall have power to fill any vacancy arising. No Member shall be elected President for more than two years in succession excluding time arising from appointment due to vacancy. No member may serve on the MC for more than seven consecutive years and may not serve as Treasurer or Secretary for more than three years in respect of each office. This excludes time arising from appointment due to vacancy.

6. The MC shall

(a) accept, reject or suspend membership;

(b) levy annual or other subscriptions;

(c) enter into such arrangements and agreements and carry out such undertakings which in the opinion of the Committee, is in the furtherance of' the objects of the Club.

7. The MC shall meet when necessary. The President, or any two Members of the MC, may require the Secretary to convene a meeting. Such meeting shall be held within 10 days of such requisition.

8. The quorum for a MC meeting shall be four.

9. The President shall be the chairman of every meeting. In the President's absence the meeting shall appoint one of its members to be Chairman. The Chairman shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote.

10. The Secretary shall ensure that minutes of meetings and results of major competitions are retained.

11. The Treasurer shall prepare annual accounts for the year ended 30th April.

12. The MC has power to delegate any of its powers to such members and sub-committees as it deems necessary from time to time.

13. All powers of the Club and the administration of its funds shall be vested in, and exercised by, the MC including the control of, and distribution of, its funds.

14. A Charity Committee (CC) responsible for organising and running a charity night shall be established before the end of October each year. The CC, comprised of members of the MC and other club members shall report to the MC and shall organise a charity night for the benefit of one or more charities to be designated by the CC.


15. The AGM of the Club shall be held within two months of the end of the Financial Year (30th April).

16. The business of the AG.M shall be:

(a) to consider and vote on the reports of the Secretary and Treasurer;

(b) to consider and vote on any matter put before the meeting in accordance with 17 or 18 following;

(c) to elect the incoming MC;

(d) to appoint a Scrutineer;

(e) to consider any other business.

17. Notice of any motion to be moved shall be delivered in writing , or by e-mail, at least 21 days prior to the AG.M Such motion notice shall be proposed , seconded and displayed for 14 days before an AGM.

18. Nominations for election to the MC shall be delivered in writing, or by e-mail, to the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the AG.M. Each such nomination shall be proposed , seconded and displayed for 14 days before an AGM. In the event of there being insufficient nominations to complete the membership of the incoming MC the AGM may agree to the taking of nominations from the floor.

19. An extraordinary meeting of the Club shall be convened by request of not less than 10 members of the Club. The request shall set out the purpose for which such meeting is convened as shall also the notice convening the meeting. Matters to be discussed shall be confined to those stated in such notice. The request to convene the meeting shall be delivered to the Secretary or the President. The MC shall call the meeting to be held not more than four weeks and not less than two weeks from the date of receipt of the request.

20. A quorum for any General Meeting either Annual or Extraordinary of the Club shall be 15.


  1. All monies other than those required for the day to day running of the Club shall be lodged in a bank account in the name of St Therese Bridge Club. Two MC members' signatures shall be required for disbursements from this account. All members shall be reimbursed for all expenditure properly incurred on the Club's behalf and accounted for in detail to the satisfaction of the Treasurer and the Scrutineer.


  1.  If, at any time, the functions of the Club shall be wound up an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members shall be called at which a decision will be made as to the Charity or Charities who may benefit from any funds remaining to the credit of the Club.

  Adopted : 03/10/2018

 Signed: Phyllis Troy (President)