Stourbridge Bridge Club and Stourbridge Institute Bridge Section
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Following the vote at the AGM, table money will increase from 11th July 2024 as follows:-

Members £3 (£1 for Director/Scorer)

Visitors £4

Our next Social Bridge event (afternoon bridge followed by evening meal) will be on Saturday 2nd November. Further details soon.

Nov Minutes Page 1


Stourbridge Institute Bridge Association Minutes of Committee Meeting 11th November 2015

Present: Barry Brice, Linda Wright, Georgina Lineker, James Taylor, Sally Johnson, Glo Jackson

Apologies: Margaret Hanson, Gavin Tringham

Minutes of the committee meeting of 9th September 2015 were approved

Chairman’s Report

Once again the Sociable Bridge event was very enjoyable.

It was a shame that only 4 tables played bridge but more came for the meal in the evening

 Ian Thompson Tuition Session - 2pm to 5pm Saturday November 28th

o 26 people have paid with another 8 possibly attending so we should make a small profit.

o It was reluctantly decided that providing tea and coffee in the interval, for so many people, would be too time-consuming.

Squash and biscuits will be provided instead (LW to buy and to contact Paolo re the barrier and for glasses and jugs of water)

 The function room has been hired out on Friday November 20th so that bridge session will have to take place in the dining room. GL to put an announcement in the Diary and JT to email members

 Christmas Party on December 11th

o It was decided that wine, juice and mince/apple pies will be provided in the dining room from 6:30pm. The only charge this year will be table money. Drinks – BB Food – LW Christmas music - GJ

As last year we will have a raffle in aid of Mary Stevens Hospice

o An announcement will go into the Diary giving details of the party and requesting items for the raffle (GL)

 Unfortunately Kingswinford Bridge Club is closing and they have bridge items they are keen to dispose of.

It was agreed that we should offer £120 for 120 packs of cards

MH to check the state of cards for Monday afternoon sessions

Vice-Chairman’s Report

Committee meal to be at the Bell

Secretary’s Report


o EBU licensing and Master Points Handbook available

o Software EBUScore was available to clubs from October 1st but we have no plans to change over

o From 01/01/2016 the EBU rule about the number of boards which should be played for the awarding of master points will reduce from 75% to 70%

o The judicial review of bridge as a sport is on the EBU website

o Healey Cup November 22nd – details on notice board but no entries so far