Stourbridge Bridge Club and Stourbridge Institute Bridge Section
Release 2.19p
Recent Updates
17th Sep 2024 22:54 BST
July Minutes
11th Sep 2024 14:59 BST
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20th May 2024 13:56 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024

Following the vote at the AGM, table money will increase from 11th July 2024 as follows:-

Members £3 (£1 for Director/Scorer)

Visitors £4

Our next Social Bridge event (afternoon bridge followed by evening meal) will be on Saturday 2nd November. Further details soon.

Test Rota

Duplimator Rota

 Autumn / Winter 2015


 Boards for fortnight/week commencing:

 Board Dates


 Monday 14th Sept

 Tue 15th  Thu 17th Fri 18th


 Monday 21st Sept

Tue 22nd Thu 24th Fri 25th

 Tue 29th Thu 1st Oct Fri 2nd

 Barry & Chris

 Monday 5th Oct

 Tue 6th Thu 8th Fri  9th


 Monday 12th  Oct

Tue 13th Thu 15th Fri 16th


Monday 19th Oct

Tue 20th Thu 22nd  Fri 23rd

Tue 27th Thur 29th Fri 30th

Angela & Mike

Monday 2nd Nov

Tue 3rd Thu 5th  Fri 6th

Tue 10th ( to be downloaded) Thu 12th Fri 13th

Linda & James

 Monday 16th Nov

Tue17th Thu 19th Fri 20th

Tue 24th Thu 26th Fri 27th

 Sally & Josh

 Monday 30th  Nov

Tue 1st Dec Thu 3rd Fri 4th



 Mon 7th Dec

 Tue 8th Thu 10th Fri 11th

Tue 15th Thur 17th Fri 18th

Barry & Chris

 Mon 21st Dec

Tue 22nd Tue 29th
