Stourbridge Bridge Club and Stourbridge Institute Bridge Section
Release 2.19p
Recent Updates
17th Sep 2024 22:54 BST
July Minutes
11th Sep 2024 14:59 BST
May Minutes
20th May 2024 13:56 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024

Following the vote at the AGM, table money will increase from 11th July 2024 as follows:-

Members £3 (£1 for Director/Scorer)

Visitors £4

Our next Social Bridge event (afternoon bridge followed by evening meal) will be on Saturday 2nd November. Further details soon.

Consent Form

Stourbridge Bridge Club GDPR Consent Form 
We’d like to keep you updated on the work we are doing and on events that are coming up. 
By ticking below, you are giving Stourbridge Bridge Club permission to send you information about future events, appeals and campaigns through the following channels of communication:   Email    Phone    Post 
My email address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 
My phone number: …………………………………………………………………………………………… 
My postal address: …………………………………………………………………………………………… 
My EBU Number: ………………………………… 
Are you happy for your data to be shared with the EBU?  YES / NO 
(Data from your EBU record is shared so the EBU can maintain the NGS and master point records – if you wish to change your preferences please log on to your account at ) 
If in future your contact details or preferences change, please contact us by emailing 
The full Privacy Policy Notice for Stourbridge Bridge Club can be viewed on the club notice board at the Stourbridge Institute and online at the club’s website 
Please note: if you do NOT return this sheet then you will automatically cease to receive any communications for Stourbridge Bridge Club soon after 25th May 2018. 
If you have the facility to complete the form electronically, or by printing, completing and scanning, please do so and return it to us at 
Otherwise please print, complete and return it by hand to any committee member. If you do not have the facility to print, then please email us or speak to a committee member to request a paper copy.