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17th May 2024 20:33 BST
Welcome to St. Bees and District Bridge Club
Bridge at St Bees and District

It's a pleasure to report that St Bees and District Bridge Club continues to thrive at Moresby Rugby Club since the post-Covid restart in March 2022. Up to 4 tables of mixed ability meet each Wednesday and enjoy a convivial atmosphere.

We look forward to seeing more of our members returning to live bridge on Wednesdays at 6.30pm for a punctual start at 6.45pm. Players of all standards are welcome. Refreshments are available. See below for information about COVID precautions.

Bridge at St Bees and District
Come and Join Us
Come and Join Us

St. Bees is a small EBU-affiliated club with a very friendly atmosphere . We actually meet not at St Bees but nearby at Moresby Parks , at the Rugby Club ; our members mainly come from Whitehaven , St Bees and the smaller villages to the south.
Despite our rural Cumbrian location , we're still in touch with the modern world : we use Duplimate-dealt boards and the BridgeMates II wireless scoring system .
If  you're visiting the area and would like a game , we should be happy to welcome you ; if you don't have a partner , you need to contact the secretary in advance , and he'll do his best to find you one .
You can find out more details about us by clicking on 'Information' in the menu on the left .

COVID Precautions

If you have any NEW respiratory symptoms, (high temperature; sneezing; runny nose; new continuous cough; loss or change of sense of taste or smell) please be considerate of others and until you feel well again,


Sanitizers will be provided for your use on entering the premises and during the session. 

Please respect the choices of those around you regarding precautions they wish to take (or not take)

National and County Competition Results

EBU NATIONAL HANDICAP SIMS. Congratulations to our members who did well in this national competition. Our local round was held at Workington Bridge Club. 8 tables played 27 boards with a mid-session break for a superb afternoon tea, thanks to the ladies of the host club. Nationwide, 305 pairs took part, so our members’ results were quite outstanding. Terry and Paul were 12th, Harriet and Margaret were 19th.


WORKINGTON HANDICAP COMPETITION. A number of our members participated in this well-run afternoon competition that attracted players from Keswick and Carlisle. Nine and a half tables played 27 boards with a mid-session break for a splendid afternoon tea, for which many thanks to the hard-working ladies from the host club. From an 8th place finish, after handicap adjustment David and Paul were 3rd overall, well done to them.


WESTMORLAND PAIRS LEAGUE. Congratulations to Michelle and Paul who won Division 3 of the league this session, spring 2024. This competition is run by the Westmorland County Association and is played on BBO by arrangement with one’s opponents. Anyone wishing to join should contact Paul ASAP as the next league schedule starts soon.


Have you tried 'Play It Again' ?

Have you tried using the brilliant 'Play It Again' feature on our results chart. Just click on the 'Play it again' button, which you'll find between the deal display and the results display on the 'Scorecards' screen. It brings up a display of the full deal, makeable contracts, etc, and enables you to play through the whole hand again - a particularly helpful feature is that when play starts each playable card has a number on it (adjusted after each trick if necessary) which indicates how many tricks your side can make if you play that card, so that if you simply couldn't see how anyone could make more tricks in a contract than you did, you can trace the sequence(s) producing that result. It's pretty intuitive to use, but there's a Help button if needed to explain any of the features, so why not give it a go, if you haven't already?

An excellent feature (maybe a bit more complex) in 'Play it again' is the Results Analysis - which amongst other things compares your performance on any deal, or overall, to the optimum predicted by double dummy analysis.

NB The first time you use 'Play It Again', you will have to follow a simple procedure to download the free software (it is actually John Goacher's Bridge Solver Online, which itself utilises Bo Haglund's double dummy solver) ; subsequently, as soon as you click on 'Play it again' you're into the program and ready to go.




If you click on the Vu-Bridge link to the menu on the left you can choose to play a practice hand from the Vu-Bridge site under the heading of either 'Beginner's Corner' or 'Hand of the Week' - entertaining and informative.

Message Board

I hope that this may be useful for anyone looking for a partner for a particular date , since the majority of our members now have internet access ; but you can also use it to make comments or engage in discussion on any club-related matters . It's very simple to use - no need to log in, so handier than the Members Only section ; just remember that whatever you write can be read by anyone ...

About the 'Members Only' section

This is a password-protected area ; you gain access in the first place by using the club's default password (ask the Secretary) which you then change to a password of your own choice .


Sun 29th September 2024
Cumbria v Lancashire
(Cumbria County Bridge Association)
Wed 2nd October 2024
Director: Sec
Scorer: Sec
Wed 9th October 2024
Director: Sec
Scorer: Sec
Thursday Pairs
Thursday Individual