Silhill Bridge Club
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General Information
General Information about the club ( Taken from 'Silhill Bridge Club - The first 50 years' by Mr. C. G. Coton)

The start of the club can be traced back to an advertisment in the local press which requested that any person interested in the idea of forming a local bridge club should attend a meeting to be held at the Manor House, Solihull, on Tuesday, 21st September 1948. This advertisement was placed by Mr. David Brenholz who was 41 years old. The meeting was well attended and it was agreed to form what was originally known as the Manor House Bridge Club. A committee was formed under the Chairmanship of Mr. E. W. Winckle, and proceeded to plan the formation of the club.


It was agreed that membership would be restricted to 100 and that Subscriptions would be 10s 6d, Entrance fee 10s 6d and Table fee 1s 0d per person collectable at the sessions.


It was hoped to find a venue to play two afternoons and six evenings of each week. It was also agreed that the club should be affiliated to the Warwickshire Contract Bridge Association and the E.B.U. 


The next meeting was held at the Manor House on Friday, 24th September 1948 to make arrangements to open the club as soon as possible. It was agreed that if possible, the club would meet on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings , and Tuesday & Thursday afternoons . The inaugural session was scheduled to be held on the 11th October 1948. Only rubber bridge to be played at all sessions. The club was originally called The Solihull Contract Bridge Club but this was subsequently changed to Silhill Contract Bridge Club as it is believed an objection was received from the already existing Solihull Bridge Club situated in Lady Byron Lane.


At the next committee meeting held at the Manor House on the 4th October 1948 it was proposed that the club would meet at Kunzles Cafe on the corner of Popular Road and Warwick Road, Solihull. This was unanimously agreed and the first meeting was scheduled for Friday 15th October 1948. Kunzles Cafe requested that the club vacate the premises after Christmas 1948 which resulted in the club moving on to the Old School Building, 29 Park Road, Solihull early in 1949. The club was by now well established and the membership was still growing. However, the premises at 29 Park Road still left a lot to be desired.


Duplicate bridge was now being considered and the club decided to enter two teams in the Warwickshire Contract Bridge Association leagues. Various cups had been donated and a number of events, that are still played, were introduced.


At the AGM on the 3rd May 1950 it was stated that the Silhill Bridge Club was thoroughly established in the Warwickshire Bridge circles, membership was growing, duplicate bridge was the most popular event, and the club was showing a profit.


A Christmas party was held on the 8th January 1951 at a cost of 3s 6d per head.


In October 1950 the club was given notice to vacate their current premises by the end of December. Two premises were considered for the club, The Cottage Loaf Café and The Manor House. It was agreed to send an application to the Manor House stating the club’s requirements and agreeing that the members would join the Community Association at a cost of 5s 0d per year. At a committee meeting on the 22nd November 1950 it was advised that the Manor House had accepted and agreed to the club’s requests. The rent was set at £2 10s 0d per week.


In 1952 the Manor House was intending to open a large room in the West Wing and requested donations for their restoration fund. A bridge drive was held for this purpose and the proceeds were sent with a request that if this room would be made available for bridge the club would add a further £50 to it.


1952 saw three teams entered in the Birmingham League, one in Division 1 and one each in Divisions A & B. During 1953 this changed to four teams being entered in the Warwickshire League, the A Team in Division 1, B Team in Division 2B, C Team in Division 3A & D Team in Division 3D. Any four players not selected for a team could challenge the bottom team to a match, and if they won they would represent the club instead of the selected team.


At the committee meeting held on the 8th December 1954 a letter of resignation was received from Mr. David Brenholz, the clubs founder, as he was shortly to get married and move to Bournmouth.
