The Nottingham Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Next Trustees Meetings

Saturday 5 October 2024

Membership Form

Click here to download a Membership Form.

Table Etiquette

Club Table Etiquette

We all come to play Bridge in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere so -


  • Be a good host or guest at the table
  • Stop discussing previous hands in order to greet your opponents at the start of the round
  • Give credit for good play or defence
  • Avoid criticism of other’s play
  • Give credit for good declarer play or defence
  • Don’t give unasked for tuition or triumphant explanation
  • Remember calling “Director Please” is a helpful, not critical action
  • Try not to let adjacent tables hear details of cards or play
  • Move promptly when the Director calls for the move
  • Silence your mobile (use vibrate)

We hope you enjoy your time at the club

Member Login
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Password :
Remember Me :
If you are already registered as a member to use the pages, then enter one of
and Password and click [Login].
If you use the same email as someone else at the club, then enter your Name as spelt in the results instead of Email.
If this is the first time that you have used the , click .
If you have forgotten your password, click .