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Please send comments to the webmaster Peter Rice (

News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

AGM 2024

The 2024 AGM was held on Wednesday 18th September 2024


1. Minutes of AGM 2023

Matters arising: The new scoring system has been implemented. The tablets were bought at Amazon Black Friday price and the new laptop was bought in a sale.

2. Chairman’s Report (Miriam Titchner)
3. Treasurer’s Report (Clare Rice)

Small loss as the new scoring system was purchased. Table fees stay the same for the coming year.

Membership subscription fees remain at £5 and are now due.

4. Election of Committee Member(s)

Clare Rice was reelected as treasurer

Helen Sergent has moved away, and Trevor Osborne is stepping down. The two vacant positions were fille dby Dot Howes and Sandra Merryweather.

5. Presentation of trophies

The most improved partnershop was Angela and Richard Chester.

The most improved player was Doug Easton.

6. 7pm or 7:30pm start time

After some discussion half of those present were in favour of a 7pm start time. Some players expected to have problems arriving earlier, and proposed trying the new start time for a period.

It was agreed to start at 7pm for October to December and then review for 2025.

The last session in September will still start at 7:30 to give time to let other members know about the change.

7. Find a partner options

We do have a mailing list for those often in need. On the public find a partner page you can click on the link to be added to the list, which will send an email to which you can add any extra information. Then when anyone posts on the find a partner page you will immediately be emailed.

8. AOB


Last updated : 19th Sep 2024 14:17 BST
New Club Year

The new club year started with the AGM. All competitions restart from scratch when the first results are uploaded.

Previous years' results are saved on the website under "Competitions".

Last updated : 22nd Apr 2014 16:23 GMT

The duties of the volunteer for Teas:

Expenses for milk (2pts) and any coffee, tea or biscuits will be reimbursed by the treasurer (Clare). Normal table fees apply.

Click on the title for the full document.

Last updated : 8th Mar 2019 17:16 GMT