Ian Mitchell's Bridge Page
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A little bit of personal success:

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Release 2.19q
Welcome to Ian Mitchell's Bridge Page
National Inter-County League Finals

This event now has its own website.  Please visit

Warwickshire CBA

Having run this event in a personal capacity for several years, in 2020 (just prior to lockdown!) I decided to step back from many aspects of the organisation.
The Warwickshire County Bridge Association has agreed to take on the event in an official capacity.  I will continue to be involved, as a representative of WCBA.  As such, I can be contacted on for any issues relating to this event.


Since lockdown, the event has been held on the Realbridge platform (the 2020 event was cancelled).  This is likely to remain the case for the foreseeable future - many of the qualifying regional events are still being held online, and no need for extensive travel from the corners of the country for a one-day event!


Highgate Golf Club - Thursday BBO Pairs
NICLF Division B
NICLF Division C
NICLF Division A
Highgate Golf Club - Thursday BBO Pairs
Midland Counties 9 High