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Good Bridge Etiquette means to greet opponents

Praise both partner & opponents (well played)

Do not criticize  (good try)

Do not make gratuitous comments.

(if I had bid this or led that)

Dont gloat (we got 100%)

Finally speak politely to your partner,opponents & the Director

Enjoy your Game



In 1993, most Bridge players felt the need for the formation of an Association which would act as promoter and governing body for all duplicate bridge and bridge competitions held on the island.

A large number of interested players held a public meeting in one of the clubs and thus "The Malta Bridge Association", a non profit organisation was constituted.

The founder members were Dr. Albert Ganado LL.D., Dr. Francis Consiglio M.D. Ing. Albert Sacco, Mr. Mario Dix, Mr. Stephen Borg, Mr. Gino Miceli and Mrs Joan Consiglio.

Dr.Ganado was elected as the first President of the Association.

A draft statute was drawn up by Ing Sacco, Mr Dix and Dr Consiglio with the aim of further promoting the interest of the game of bridge in Malta. Its main objectives were to sanction, co-ordinate and maintain a standard for such competitions as approved by the Association; to decide any disputed matters which arise in the game, to ensure that all affiliated bodies abide by the rules of the game as laid down by the World Bridge Federation.

The statute was approved at a second public meeting and was to be amended if need be in the future, subject to a two thirds voting majority process at an annual general meeting.

The Association sought and obtained affiliation with the World Bridge Federation. European Bridge League and the English Bridge Union. It is also a member of the Malta Olympic Committee. The Association received help and invitations to bridge festivals and competitions abroad.

The MBA has also obtained reciprocal recognition and license from the EBU to issue Master Points to affiliated Bridge players and also Green Points in the National Competitions and certain Festival Events.


In February 1995, thanks to funding by the then minister of Tourism, The Hon. Michael Refalo, Malta held it’s first international bridge tournament at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta.There were players from a dozen countries present and very generous sponsorships from the local tourist board and various local companies meant that there was a substantial prize fund.

Players like Zia Mahmoud, Bob Sheehan, BrianSenior, Munir Ata Ullah, Nevena Deleva, Mark Horton, Tony Sowter, Dimitry Volkov and Elena Martova took part, but the overall attendance was disappointing.

The Kinnie Swiss Teams was won by

1. Sowter – Horton – Senior – Deleva
2. Mahmood – Sheehan – Coyle – Ata Ullah
3. Volkov – Martova – Tebin – Bizet

Since then, thanks to Margaret Parnis England and Mario Dix yearly festivals have been organized under the auspices of the MBAwith varying success.

It is pertinent to note that in some of the festivals the Maltese acquitted themselves very well and achieved results beyond expectations. In 1996 Gilles Queran a leading French and European champion together with his wife Veronique brought about 240 Swiss and French players to Malta and kindly invited the locals to take part. Happily some good scores were recorded by the Maltese players with Francis Consiglio and Victor Attard Bondi placing first out of 100 pairs in the open tournament. The same pair did well placing 5th in the Open Pairs. The Maltese team comprising of Mario Dix – Francis Consiglio – Joan Consiglio – Stephen Borg won the Swiss Teams event.

Our greatest accolade was when Malta was chosen to host the 44th Generali European Bridge Champion ships in 1999. This event held at the Radisson Hotel St. Georges proved a great success with 37 countries taking part.

At the farewell dinner Bill Pencharz, the EBL President presented a commemorative plaque to the MBA President .

Mrs. Margaret Parnis England received the silver medalof the EBL, and Mario Dix received the bronze medal, for their work in connection with the organization of the championships.

For the record Italy won the Open Teams, Great Britain the Ladies Team, and France the Senior Teams.

In 1997as in previous years there were a number of celebrity internationals including the German ladies Karen Ceaser and Pony Nermerth others included Rob Sheenhan, Mike Horton as well as strong players from Belgium, Estonia,Iceland, Italy and Russia which gave the game a truly cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Rob Sheehan and Mario Dix won the men’s Pairs while the Teams Event was won by Elio Loteta – Sergio Zolata – Lucio LaPiano and Saverio Margotta

The Maltese team of A.von Brockdorff – N.Marlin – F. Consiglio – J.Consiglio did well to place fifth.

In 1999 the Maltese Pair of F.Consiglio and V.Attard Bondi were runners up in the Open Pairs to Rob Sheenhen and Tom Townsend Junior champion. Another local pair A. Ganado and G. Miceli won the Men’s Pairs.

However the highest achievement for Malta was obtained when the local team consisting Albert Sacco, Marie Farrugia, S. Gottschalk and S.Ardelean won the main event of the tournament, The Open Swiss Teams.

It is unfortunate that a lot of records have been lost and also over the ensuing years both International and local players started to dwindle and interest was very much on the wane. It was a misfortune that finally the festivals had to come to an end.