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CHAIRMAN                               ANNE RICHARDSON
TREASURER                               PAT SHEA
COMMITTEE                              HAZEL POWELL     
  COMMITTEE                            JANE CAFFREY
  COMMITTEE                            BRIDGET WARREN
  DINING CLUB                          EDWINA ABBOTT

                                 CONSTITUTION OF LARKHILL BRIDGE CLUB

1.         NAME

The Club shall be called Larkhill Bridge Club.

2.         OBJECTS

The object of the Club shall be to provide facilities for its members for playing Duplicate Contract

Bridge and on occasions other forms of bridge and social club activities.


The headquarters of the Club shall be situated at the Larkhill Centre, Thorley Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire.

 4.          AFFILIATIONS

The Club is currently affiliated to the EBU.

 5.          MEMBERSHIP

5.1       Membership shall be open to:

5.2       Any person wishing to become a member of the Club shall apply for membership by completing and forwarding to the Treasurer such form as may be prescribed from time to time by the Committee and this will only be offered after a probationary period of up to one month with regard to competance to play club duplicate bridge, ability to use BridgeMates if sitting North/South and compliance with our Code of Conduct.

5.3       All bridge players who are over the age of eighteen years will be entitled to apply for full membership of the Club.

5.4       Players under the age of eighteen years will be entitled to apply for Junior membership. Such members are not entitled to vote at general meetings of the Club and cannot be Trustees of the Club.

5.5     The Club may confer Honorary Life Membership on any member who has rendered special service to the Club.

5.6     All members are deemed to have accepted the regulations of this constitution and the rules and codes of conduct adopted by the Club.

5.7       The Committee will keep a register of members which will include details of their names, addresses and contact details.

5.8       In considering applications for membership the Committee shall have regard to the playing facilities available and may from time to time decide that the Club shall be closed to new applications for membership for such period as it may decide.

5.9       A member shall cease to be a member of the club immediately if expelled from the club under the provisions of clause 15, or if their resignation in writing is delivered to the Chief Administrator.

5.10     A member whose subscription has not been paid shall cease to be a member on the expiration of the period of one month from the date on which the subscription was due for payment.

5.11     A former member of the Club who wishes to rejoin as a member must complete a further formal application for membership and pay the joining fee, unless the Committee decides otherwise.

5.12   Members of the Club shall abide by the Club’s ‘Best Behaviour at Bridge’ code.

6.         OFFICERS

6.1       The Officers of the Club shall be the Chairman, Vice­Chairman, Chief Administrator and Treasurer.

   6.2       No member of the Club shall simultaneously hold more than one Office of the Club.

6.3.      Each of the Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club and shall retire annually at the ensuing Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.

6.4       In the event of a vacancy arising during the year in the office of any Officer of the Club, the Committee shall choose one of their number to fill such vacancy until the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

  7.         COMMITTEE

7.1       The Committee of the Club shall consist of the Officers of the Club, together with four other members of the Club, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club and shall retire annually at the ensuing Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.

7.2       The Committee may from time to time co-opt further members of the Club to serve on the Committee until the ensuing Annual General Meeting, whether to fill a vacancy arising, or as additional members, except that the total number of members of the Committee (including Officers) shall at no time exceed twelve.  Co-opted members shall be entitled to participate fully in the proceedings of the Committee.

7.3       A quorum at meetings of the Committee shall be four members of the Committee, including at least one of the Officers.

7.4       The Committee may from time to time appoint sub­committees to undertake on its behalf such aspects of the administration of the Club as it shall think fit, and members of such sub­ committees may include members of the Club who are not members of the Committee.

 7.5   The Committee will appoint a Chairman of the Conduct Committee on an annual basis but may appoint members of the Conduct Committee on an ad hoc basis as the need arises.

 7.6        Proceedings of the Committee and of any sub­committees shall be regulated in such manner as the Committee may from time to time decide

7.7         The Committee shall make a report to each Annual General Meeting of the Club concerning the affairs of the Club since the previous Annual General Meeting.

 8.        MANAGEMENT

8.1       The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the Committee, and the Committee shall have power to determine any issue arising in connection with the affairs of the Club which is not specifically provided for in this Constitution.

8.2       The Committee may from time to time formulate and publish such rules as it thinks expedient for the efficient and harmonious running of the Club (but in the case of any conflict between such rules and this Constitution, the Constitution shall prevail).

8.3       Any issue of policy determined by the Committee or any rules published by the Committee may be varied by a resolution of members at a General Meeting of the Club, provided that such resolution is not in conflict with this Constitution and is not retrospective in application.

8.4       In the event of such variation being made, the policy or rules (as the case may be) shall not be further varied by the Committee in a manner inconsistent with the resolution.


9.1       An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in each year no later than four months after the end of the financial year.

9.2       A Special General Meeting of the Club shall be convened by the Committee if a request for such a meeting signed by at least ten members of the Club is delivered to the Chief Administrator in writing, stating the reason for the meeting, and such meeting shall take place within one month of the receipt of such request.

9.3       A Special General Meeting of the Club may be convened by the Committee on its own initiative at any time.

9.4       All General Meetings of the Club shall be held at the headquarters of the Club unless circumstances arise which render this impracticable.

9.5       The Chairman, if present, shall chair all General Meetings of the Club, and in his absence the Vice­Chairman or some other member of the Committee, approved by a majority of those present at the Meeting shall chair the meeting.

   9.6       Notice of all General Meetings of the Club shall be given to all members of the Club no later than two weeks prior to the date fixed for the meeting.

9.7       Any member may propose a motion to be discussed at a General Meeting provided that written notice of the proposed motion is delivered to the Chief Administrator no later than one week prior to the date fixed for the meeting.

9.8       The chairman of the meeting may permit discussion of other business at a General Meeting if he thinks fit.

9.9       A quorum at General Meetings of the Club shall be ten members present in person.

9.10     If fifteen minutes after the time fixed for a General Meeting of the Club no quorum shall be present, the meeting shall be adjourned to a new date (of which the like notice shall be given to members as was required to be given for the meeting which has been adjourned), and in the case of a General Meeting which has been adjourned due to the lack of a quorum (but not of a meeting adjourned for any other reason) such number of members as are actually present at the adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum.

9.11     Voting at General Meetings of the Club shall be by show of hands, and in the event of parity of voting the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

  10.      NOTICES

10.1.    Notices of any Special General Meeting of the Club, and of an Annual General Meeting at which in the opinion of the Committee any business of a non-routine nature is likely to be discussed, shall be given to members by post or by email to the last address of each member notified to the Chairman.

10.2.    Notices of any Annual General Meeting at which in the opinion of the Committee no business of a non-routine nature is likely to be discussed, may be given to members either by post or by email to the last address of each member notified to the Chairman and by displaying a notice in a prominent position at the headquarters of the Club.

10.3.    Notices of any other matters to be brought to the attention of members shall be made by displaying a notice in a prominent position at the headquarters of the Club.


11.1.    Nominations for the posts of Officers or Committee members shall be in writing and shall be signed by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom shall be members of the Club, also by the person nominated.

11.2.    Nominations must reach the Chief Administrator no later than one week prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.


12.1.    Each member of the Club shall pay an annual subscription, the basic amount of which for the time being shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. Subscriptions shall be due for payment on 1st January in each year in respect of that year. Unless the Committee decides otherwise, any member whose subscription remains unpaid after one month following the due date shall be ineligible to play until their subscription has been paid in full, except under extenuating circumstances agreed by the Treasurer.

12.2.    Each member of the Club, and each guest and visitor, shall pay table money or provide a voucher on each occasion when they play at the Club, the basic amounts of which for the time being shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.

 12.3.     Each successful applicant for membership of the Club may be required to pay a joining fee, the amount (currently £5) of which for the time being shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.

12.4.    The Committee may determine variations on the basic amounts of subscriptions and table money for members, guests and visitors in different circumstances, and may waive subscriptions or table money in the event of hardship or for any other good cause.

12.5     The Annual General Meeting may authorise the Committee to increase the basic amounts of subscriptions and table money prior to the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

12.6     The Committee may determine from time to time the amount of fees to be charged for use of equipment of the Club, or for any other purpose for which it is their opinion that fees ought to be charged.

13.       ACCOUNTS

13.1.    The Committee shall arrange for accounts to be prepared in respect of the financial affairs of the Club for each year ending on 30th September.

13.2.    The accounts for each year shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Club for approval.


14.1.    No member may invite a guest to play at the club on Thursdays unless permission has been granted by the Chairman or Treasurer.

14.2.    Visitors will be permitted to play at the Club on Fridays but in the event of the playing facilities being inadequate to accommodate all those who wish to play, priority shall be given to those who arrive earliest.

14.3.    The Committee places a limit of ONE occasion on which non-members (whether a guest or a visitor) may play at the club on a Thursday without being required to apply for membership or be placed on the waiting list if no membership is available.


15.1 Each member of the Club shall be required, whether at or away from the bridge table, to conform to normal standards of fair play, courtesy and personal deportment including the fundamental principles set out in the Club’s “Best Behaviour at Bridge”.

15.2 The Club shall have the powers and the procedures for the enforcement of the requirement in clause 15.1. They are set out in the Schedule of the Constitution and shall stand as part of the Constitution and be subject to the same provisions of the Constitution for its amendment.


16.1. No alterations shall be made to this constitution except at a General Meeting of the Club.

16.2.    For a resolution to alter this constitution, at least two ­thirds of the votes cast on the resolution must be in favour for it to take effect.

17.       WINDING­UP

17.1.    In order for a resolution that the Club shall be wound up to have effect at least two­thirds of the votes cast on the resolution must be in favour, and in addition the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution must exceed one-half of the number of members of the Club entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting at which the resolution is put.

17.2.    If a resolution that the Club shall be wound up is effectively passed, the Committee shall be responsible for winding up the affairs of the Club, and unless the winding up has been initiated with a view to amalgamating the Club with some other club (in which case any surplus assets and funds may be transferred to such other club), any surplus assets and funds shall be transferred to such

of the organisations mentioned in clause 17.3 as may be specified in the resolution initiating the winding up, and if no such organisation is so specified, to such of those organisations as the Committee may think fit.

17.3     The organisations referred to in clause 17.2 are

Any Registered or recognised charitable body.
