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Welcome to Langport Bridge Club


AGM 2024

LANGPORT BRIDGE CLUB — ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2024 held at 6:30pm on Monday22nd January 2024 at the Ridgeway Hall, Langport.


1. Apologies for absence were received from 5 members. There were 26 members in attendance.

2. The Chairman thanked members for supporting the club throughout the year. He particularly thanked Caroline for her directing and all the past years’ service in scoring from Alan.

3. The minutes of the meeting of 6th February 2023 were approved by the meeting.

4. Matters Arising: A handicap event was trialled in the year. It was agreed that an individual competition for a trophy, being presented by Peter Cresswell, be played on 5 occasions in the year one on each different Monday in the month (to provide variety of partners). (The following dates are for 2024 — 4th March, 13th May, 15th July, 30th September, 25th November.)

5. Prizes were awarded as follows: Men’s Champion Graham Heal Women’s Champion Sheena Lanham Non-Expert Cup (when found) Jonathan Spring

6. Treasurer’s Report. Simon Brooke reported end of 2023 account as follows.

Brought forward £3,918

Interest £30

Membership £140

Table Money £3,108

Less Expenses (£2,980)

Balance C/F £4,216

7. Election of Officers. The following were elected

Chairman — Robert Hobhouse

Secretary — Michael Martin

Treasurer — Simon Brooke

Scorer — Andrew Scaramanga (with Alan Atkinson’s support through a hand-over process..

8. It was agreed to leave unchanged subscriptions at £5 per person per annum and table money at £3 per person per session.

9. The use of WhatsApp in particular in the search for partners was applauded. Nevertheless it seems some would prefer not to participate. The Secretary would ensure that important messages also be broadcast by e-mail.

10. It was agreed that the Lundie Rees Cup be held on 25th March.

11. The meeting closed at 6:55

MJM 27/1/24

Langport Bridge Club
Langport Bridge Club

Langport Bridge Club meets every Monday at Ridgway Hall, Stacey's Court, Langport, starting at 7:00 pm. Visitors are always welcome and will find a warm and welcoming atmosphere with players ranging from Grand Masters to beginners. Partnerships can be arranged by contacting Mike Martin, or Alan Atkinson, There is parking available next to the hall. The table fees are £3 for members , visitors pay the same £3 for up to 3 games after which it goes up to £4. Membership costs £5 a year.

Duplicate Pairs
Director: Caroline Mcpherson
Scorer: Andrew Scaramanga
Charity Swiss Teams
Director: Andrew Ridgers
Scorer: Andrew Ridgers
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Caroline Mcpherson
Scorer: Andrew Scaramanga
23rd Sep 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Langport 19:00
Director: Caroline
Scorer: Andrew Scaramanga
30th Sep 2024
Handicap Pairs
Langport 19:00
Director: Caroline
Scorer: Andrew Scaramanga
7th Oct 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Langport 19:00
Director: Caroline
Scorer: Andrew Scaramanga