Hamilton Bridge Club Ltd
Release 2.19r
Next Board Meeting

Monday 16th September

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Hamilton Bridge Club - News Page
Thanks from the Board

The Board wishes to thank everyone who came along to our Open Day. 
Thanks also go to those who contributed baking and tablet, both of which were greatly enjoyed on Saturday and on Monday evening. Thanks also go to the Board members who organised the event and attended on Saturday. Sadly the attendance was disappointing despite publicising the event widely with posters and emails.
The money raised for Cancer Research was £286.30 which will be made up to £500 from club funds.

Lord Thomson Trophy

On Wednesday morning, October 16, the Club is running a heat of the SBU Simultaneous Pairs for the Lord Thomson Trophy.  This will incur an increased charge of £1.50 which goes to the SBU over and above the normal table-money which, of course, goes to the Club.  The hands will be pre-dealt, exactly as usual on a Wednesday morning, with a linked commentary provided afterwards.  The results won't get posted until 10.00 p.m. that evening along with the commentary because other Clubs will be playing the same hands in the evening.

Maria and John will be running things that morning which will not be any different from our usual enjoyable and relaxed tournament!  We hope you enjoy this event.

Friday Evening Pairs

On Friday last, 19th July, we had two and a half tables but one pair very generously offered to bow out so that there would be no half table. The remaining four pairs had a most enjoyable and relaxing teams game. However, two tables is really not ideal and so I’d like to ask for your help in this.

Please sign up either online or by sending me a note of your intention to play by 4.00 pm on the Friday. (Much better to enter online if at all possible so that others can see that there are enough pairs.) In future, if there are less than six pairs entered then the competition will be cancelled.

Hope you all agree with this!


Not Receiving Club Emails ?

If you have registered your current email address with the club you should receive emails.

If you have forgotten your password  for access to the Member Area, click on the link "Forgotten Password" and an email will be sent with a link to reset it.

If this doesn't work it may be that you have unsubscribed. Due to the way our website has implemented the GDPR, only a member can resubscribe..

Click the link below. then enter your email address to check your email status. If Blocked or Unsubscribed, please follow the instructions to reset it.

Check my email address

Please be aware that our website only updates the email database hourly

If your email address is not recognised, please send an email to the webmaster as your address may be incorrect or missing from our database

Club Fees 2024/25

The fee for 2024/25 is £60.00 which includes the £12.00 SBU membership fee.

Preference is payment by bank transfer and the club banking details are given below. Please be sure to use your name and/or your SBU number as your reference.

If you do not use online banking, then please write a cheque to Hamilton Bridge Club Ltd. and send it to :

Kathleen Fallon, Whitegates, Glasgow Road, Coatbridge, ML5 1EL. 

Kind Regards

Kathleen Fallon / Moira Papworth

Bank Details

Sort Code                  80-09-15

Account Numbe    00430931 

Play & Learn - Tuesday Morning

Play & Learn with John Kelly will recommence on Tuesday 24th May at 10.00 the Clyde Room

This is only open to members, a not required.

Tournaments in the Club

 Wednesday & Thursday Events

You must reserve and pay for seats in advance and online. 

You can reserve seats 1 week in advance.

Table money will be £4.00 per player and tea/coffee will be available as before.

Login will be required to access the reservation calendar. If you have forgotten your details please click on Detailed Instructions link below.

Click the event  in the calendar and then click on the small "Reservation Required" calendar, then follow the instructions.

Once you have reserved a seat for you and your partner next step is payment

Click on "Table Money" in the main menu where you will have the option of paying for 1 or 2 players. 

If you are paying individually, you should advise partner that they need to pay their fee.

Please ensure that you are paying for the correct day!

F2F Detailed Instructions.pdf