Dereham Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Members - Partner Guarantee

Members A quick note to remind you all that you are all welcome with or without a partner.

No Partner? No Problem! just be at Meeting Point for 6.20. We now operate a partner guaranteed service for club members !


DEREHAM BRIDGE CLUB DETAILS:  We meet every Wednesday in the month 18.20 for 18.30 start.  We welcome players of all ranges of ability but it DOES help if  you have had some experience of playing Rubber Bridge, or whist.  We meet in  pleasant surroundings at Dereham Meeting Point, (which has very good free parking facilities).  We can cater for up to 8 tables. 

DEREHAM U3A BRIDGE CLUB DETAILS:  (Our associate club) Dereham U3A Bridge Club meet on Thursday afternoons every month (except the 2nd Thursday) at 2:15pm at Meeting Point.We are a very friendly club for beginners and experienced players who enjoy a relaxed friendly game, (we all learn from each others mistakes) . For more information please contact Penny Pomfret at:;



on line bridge

Monday sessions start at 6.30 p.m.

Please log in by 6.25 at the latest..

the link is below:

Useful Links




Dereham Bridge Club



  1.     The name of the club shall be Dereham Bridge Club.
  2.     The management of the club shall be vested in a committee consisting of a maximum of 6 elected members of the club plus the Chief Tournament Director and Club Scorer. 
  3.      The committee will include the officers of the club, namely an elected Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
  4.     The committee will hold meetings as required to which other members of the club may be invited in order to deal with specific issues. The presence of a simple majority of the elected committee members will constitute a quorum.
  5.     The Club’s accounts will be audited every year.  The management committee will unanimously agree on the appointment of an auditor who will not be a member of the committee.
  6.     All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected for a period of one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
  7.     The Committee may co-opt additional Members without the requirement for an Extraordinary General Meeting; however co-opted members must then be re-elected at the next Annual General Meeting or stand down.                    
  8.      The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held in the first quarter of each year, at which the Tournament Directors’ report, the Secretary’s report and the Treasurer’s accounts will be submitted.                                                                   
  9.      This will be followed by the election of the  officers and other members of the committee.
  10.     Each member will be called upon to pay an annual subscription, and will only be supplied with a copy of the club programme when it has been paid. The amount of the subscription will be determined by the committee.
  11.     All members must agree to provide a contact telephone number that will be shown on the membership cards circulated to all members. (Your permission is required to meet the new Data Regulations)
  12.     Results, notices etc. will be circulated by email: an email list will be maintained and circulated to all Committee members by the Secretary.
  13.    This information will be held on removable memory media and not permanently on computers.  If members do not wish to appear on this list, they may opt out but will then not receive such circulated notifications.
  14.    Each member or guest taking part in club playing sessions will be asked to pay an agreed sum of table money, fixed by the committee.
  15.    A guest may attend no more than four times in any one year, and thereafter will be required to become a member.  A guest will not be eligible for club trophies.
  16.   Club trophies will be competed for annually and awarded at the AGM and will be held by the winners for 12 months. Trophies should be returned to the Secretary on request, in good time for the AGM.
  17.   Any differences at the bridge table shall be referred to the Tournament Director. All players should follow EBU guidelines on Best Behaviour at Bridge.
  18.   All complaints, other than those dealt with under item 17, shall be addressed in writing to the Club Secretary for consideration by the Committee.
  19.  The Committee have the right to vote to exclude from the club any member who repeatedly fails to follow the EBU guidelines on Best Behaviour at Bridge.
  20.  The Constitution will be available from the Secretary on request.
  21.  Any alterations or additions to the constitution can only be implemented after the agreement of the members at an AGM or EGM, and thereafter will become binding.
  22.  Club members must be notified of a proposed AGM or EGM  at least 3 consecutive meetings prior to the AGM/EGM, by all reasonable means available to the committee.  Such means will include notices at bridge playing sessions, e-mail, publication on the club’s website, and mail or telephone for those members without online access.  The wording of any proposed alteration or addition to the Constitution of the Club shall accompany the notice.