Danetre Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Extraordinary General Meeting 6th November
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16th Sep 2024 17:03 BST
Committee / AGM minutes
16th Sep 2024 17:01 BST
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Extraordinary General Meeting 6th November

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on 6th November 2024 at 6.15pm to discuss the future of the club.

Committee meeting minutes are now available.


The purpose of the club shall be to provide an opportunity for players of all levels to enjoy games of bridge in a

relaxed social setting.

General Rules

Rules of the Danetre Bridge Club 2019

1) Play will be duplicate , broadly following Acol conventions. Further good practice guidelines may be found in the Letter to Members given to each new member.

2) Meetings will usually take place each Wednesday evening, currently at Daventry Indoor Bowling Club. Play will begin at 7.15. The director for the evening will decide whether latecomers may be admitted.

3) Find A Partner. Anyone looking for a partner for a Wednesday evening should post a message in the 'Find A Partner' section in the Menu Bar and/or request it is announced on the previous Wednesday evening.

4) Directors. The committee will maintain a list of members willing and approved by the committee to act as Directors. In any query or dispute about play the Directors guidance or decision is final.

5) Membership. The total membership of the club may be limited from time to time at the discretion of the committee. If this proves necessary a waiting list will be drawn up and applications dealt with in date order as vacancies occur.

6) Visitors and guests are welcome if numbers permit at the discretion of the evenings Director. The table fee (see rule 8) for guests or visitors will be determined by the Committee.

7) Subscriptions. A subscription is payable by every member by the end of January each year. Newcomers joining during the year will pay a joining fee. In addition all players will pay a table fee  each evening they play. These fees will be monitored by the committee and adjusted as needed.

8) The AGM will be held on a Wednesday evening before the end of January each year. A report on membership,  finances and any proposed changes to these rules will be submitted at the AGM.

9) Committee. The Chair, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Secretary and up to 4 additional committee members will be elected at the AGM each year. Members can propose themselves for the committee without the need for a proposer. If there is a surplus of candidates an election will take place at the AGM  in a form decided by the person in the chair. During the year the committee may co-opt other members provided the total number on the committee does not exceed 8 members.