Release 2.19r

Books are available on loan to club members. Visit Library.

Let's Play Bridge
with Marx Brothers
Visit  a Bridge Village
in India.

"We all make mistakes when playing!"

Welcome to Derek Patterson's Bridge Club!

Rose Royal William

Chislehurst Bridge Club is run by Derek Patterson.

  • Derek runs duplicate bridge sessions every Tuesday and Thursday evening on Bridge Base Online, starting at 6.45pm for Red Section and 7.10pm for Green Section.
  • Everybody plays the same hands and the results appear on the website  with full traveller and board display, Play it again, Results Analysis,  BBO bidding and play data.
  • Master points are awarded, but not NGS at present.
  • Everyone is welcome, but registration is necessary. If you are new to the club, tell Derek in advance that you are coming, give him your name, BBO username and email address. On the day, you need to enter yourselves as a pair for the event in the 2 hours before it starts.
  • The cost of entry is $3 (around £2.50), and you have to pre-purchase your $BB on the BBO website. Additional table money of £1 is also payable directly to Derek. See How to Pay.

Prior to Covid 19, before March 2020, the club had face-to-face sessions in the Church Hall, Chislehurst. These sessions have now been replaced by online sessions on BBO.

Bridge Solver on BBO

Install Bridge Solver Chrome Extension to see double dummy results while you play on BBO. The installation instructions are at the end of the video above or see here. The hand diagram should be displayed in the history tab on BBO, bottom right of the screen. You have to make sure pictures of cards are off in the History under Account/Settings. Click on the little spade icon to see Bridge Solver and double dummy.

BBO Play Data on Bridgewebs - 31st August 2021

We are pleased to announce that Chislehurst Bridge Club is the first club to make use of the new Bridgewebs feature. You can now see your BBO bidding and play data in our results. Click on the PLAY on each line on the traveller.

Personal Analysis Graphs

See player performance graphs on the Personal Analysis page. Click on the Results on the Main menu then on Personal Analysis. 

Results Analysis

You can see detailed results analysis on any Bridgewebs website that displays hand records. You can find out how well you did against double dummy or see cross-imps in teams events. On the Main menu click on Results - Results Bridgewebs and the on the session you played in. Now click on this symbol above the ranking list.
For help click here. On this website in particular, you can also access results analysis via the 'Analysis' button above the ranking list.

Play It Again

Have you ever tried the hand replay facility on this website? Just above every traveller and below the hand diagram there is a 'Play it Again' button. This starts Bridge Solver Online (BSOL) which lets you do this. Full details on using BSOL to "play" a hand in double dummy mode is available in this user guide, which has been written by Rees Mitchell for the website users at Vanderbilt Bridge Club, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Need a Partner?

If you need a partner, look on the Calendar or Message Board to see any outstanding requests. Alternatively place a partner request via website: login to Member Area, choose "Find a Partner", then tick the "Partner Required" button. The booking will appear on the Calendar page and Message Board. You are advised not to tick the boxes to show your email and/or phone number on the website booking. Instead leave a message in the 'Partner/Note/System' box to log into Membership Area for contact details.

You can of course contact members directly, the contact details are in the membership area.

Alternatively contact Derek and he might be able to help you.

Secrets of Bridgewebs

Tim Andersen of EBU presents Bridgewebs facilities on YouTube 'englishbridgeunion' channel.

Crockfords Cup Final 21-22 Sep 2024

Derek has been busy again this weekend playing in Crockfords Cup Final. His team HINDEN (John Atthey & Neil Rosen, Chris Jagger & Derek Patterson, Frances Hinden & Graham Osborne) came second with 93VPs in an 8 team final.  The Cup was won by the PLACKETT team (Simon Cope & Peter Crouch, Alexander Allfrey & Andrew Robson) with 111VPs.  Crockfords Cup is England's premier teams championship, with a knockout qualification and an eight-team final.

Last weekend Derek played in the Gold Cup Quarter-final, again with Hinden team. They won and are playing in the Semi-final next. Well done Derek.smiley

EBU Premier League 2024-25, 7-8 September

Congratulations to Derek and his team on winning Division 1 of the first weekend of the EBU Premier League.  Derek came a spectacular 2nd out of 40 players in Overall Ximps. In the team Mossop were David Mossop, Justin Hackett, Jason Hackett, Gunnar Hallberg, Derek Patterson, Phil King.

Also Joe Sivayogan was playing in Division 2 in team Nettleton coming a very respectable average in Ximps in this very strong competition. There are four divisions in all.

The Premier League is played over three weekends. Weekend 2 will be in Tunbridge Wells BC 28-29th September and weekend 3 in West Midland BC on 23rd-24th November. We wish Derek & Joe and their teams every success in the last two weekends.

Watch Derek play in Match 4 on Saturday afternoon and in Match 6 on Sunday afternoon.

Bridge Lessons

Bridge lessons by Derek - 

  • F2F lessons with mini-duplicate on
    Monday 10am to 1pm
    Pre-dealt hands, electronic scoring using BridgePals, results 'Monday Play and Learn' available on this website

  • F2F lessons with supervised play on
     Monday 1 to 3.30pm
    Pre-dealt hands, hand records available on the website.

  • Online lessons on
    Wednesday 1.30 to 4.30pm
    via Zoom. Personal tuition suitable for advanced players.

F2F lessons are held at Blackheath Bowls Club. Brooklands Park, Blackheath, London, SE3

Contact Derek for more details.

Weekly Calendar

Mon 23rd September 2024 - F2F
Play and Learn, 10am-1pm
Supervised Play, 1.30pm-4pm

Tue 24th September 2024 BBO
Chislehurst Reds, 6.45pm
Chislehurst Greens, 7.10pm

Wed 25th September 2024 BBO/Zoom
Online Lesson 1.30pm-4.30pm

Thu 26th September 2024 BBO
Chislehurst Reds, 6.45pm
Chislehurst Greens, 7.10pm

Tony Urwin's Blog

22 September 2024

Lofoten Islands
The small Reine to Vindstad ferry only runs in the afternoon on a Sunday, allowing me the luxury of a long lie-in. Chatting to Jack over breakfast, I learn he's from Margate, just down the road from me -- strange coincidences. The ferry boarding is chaotic as the handheld ticket scanner is not working. Those [...]  continue reading
Follow Tony's blog.

Postcard from James on a cycling holiday

23 September 2024

"I made it to Split" James texted. He cycled from Switzerland to Croatia, destination Split. On the photo we see him in Venice en route to Croatia. You can read his blog here

EBU Rank Promotions April-August 2024

Congratulations on the EBU rank promotion to:

David Parkinson 2 Star Premier Regional Master
Mike Pearson 4 Star Master
Anette Raby Advanced Master

Adrian Lis 5 Star Regional Master
Brenda Castle 1 Star Master
Lyn Parker 1 Star Master

Karen Neale Local Master

Stefan Syplywczak 4 Premier Life Master
Brian Hogg 2 Star Premier Master
Tom Smith 2 Star Premier Master

Barrington Beavis 4 Star Premier Tournament Master
Margaret Jones Premier Tournament Master
Richard Cheshire 1 Star Master
Gill Wood 1 Star Master
Maggie McDowall County Master
James Hamilton Area Master
BridgePals "R" Us

Mon 30th September 2024
Monday Play and Learn