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20th Sep 2024 20:21 BST
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Welcome to Bridge@67

Welcome to Social Bridge@67

Bridge each Friday at 2.30 for 2.40pm. All welcome.

Results for 13th & 20th Sept. can be found in Results column by date - please see menu at top left of screen.

Pastoral Centre, 67 Booterstown Ave.  No partner necessary; table money €5.

Last updated : 20th Sep 2024 20:21 BST
Bridge and Cards Trivia

Did you know –   Each king in a deck of cards represents a great king from history?  The King of Spades is King David; the King of Clubs is Alexander the Great; the King of Hearts is Charlemagne; the King of Diamonds is Julius Caesar!   With acknowledged thanks to "Three Rock Panorama".

Last updated : 13th Dec 2022 22:13 GMT
20th September 2024
Social Bridge
27th September 2024
Social Bridge
4th October 2024
Social Bridge
Social Bridge
Social Bridge
Social Bridge