Belmont Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Recent Updates
31st Jul 2024 22:51 ESTA
Honour Board
4th Jun 2024 16:30 ESTA
Home Page
11th Apr 2024 09:39 ESTA
News Page
11th Apr 2024 08:32 ESTA
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Pages viewed in 2024

Results of President's Trophy are available under NEWS PAGE.

You can make a booking by:

1. Clicking on the BOOKING & PARTNER tab.

2. Click on an event with (Booking) next to it.

3. Click on Use Calendar to make bookings/Find a partner.


Table fees - $6 for members - $7 for visitors

Membership fees:

Joining fee - $10 

Annual membership fee - $15

Payment using online transfers encouraged.

Bank details:

Belmont Bridge Club

BSB:   650 000

A/C :   521 308 801

Useful Links
This page specifically contains links to other sites or pages of interest to members. Click on the header to take you to the site or page.
No information has been set up for this page at present.