Belmont Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Recent Updates
31st Jul 2024 22:51 ESTA
Honour Board
4th Jun 2024 16:30 ESTA
Home Page
11th Apr 2024 09:39 ESTA
News Page
11th Apr 2024 08:32 ESTA
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Pages viewed in 2024

Results of President's Trophy are available under NEWS PAGE.

You can make a booking by:

1. Clicking on the BOOKING & PARTNER tab.

2. Click on an event with (Booking) next to it.

3. Click on Use Calendar to make bookings/Find a partner.


Table fees - $6 for members - $7 for visitors

Membership fees:

Joining fee - $10 

Annual membership fee - $15

Payment using online transfers encouraged.

Bank details:

Belmont Bridge Club

BSB:   650 000

A/C :   521 308 801

Welcome to Belmont Bridge Club
When and where to have a game of Bridge

Belmont Bridge Club plays Duplicate Bridge each Monday at Saint Luke's Community Centre, Narla Village, Narla Road, Belmont North.  Players need to be signed in and seated by 12.45 pm for a 1 pm start.

For partners ring 0418 687 622 

For lessons ring 0408 338 040

For information ring 0467 073 195

2024 Committee
2024 Committee

Tim, Margaret, Dennis, Kerrie, Charmain, Henry, Eileen, Graeme and Linda.

Belmont Bridge Club 2023 Committee
Belmont Bridge Club 2023 Committee

President - Tim Goodwin

Vice President - Charmain Mills

Secretary - Henry Wellsmore

Treasurer - Margaret Vale

Committee members -  Dennis Forsythe, Eileen Lewis, Graeme Schubert, Kerrie Stien and Linda Thomas.

Bridge Lessons

See under NEWS PAGE

Partner Finder

Cynthia Roberts

Phone: 0418 687 622


30th September 2024
Pairs 24.18
St Luke's 12.45 pm
Director: Ted Tate
Scorer: Graeme Schubert
7th October 2024
Labor Day Pairs
St Luke's 12.45 pm
Director: Kerrie Stien
Scorer: Tim Goodwin
14th October 2024
Spring Pairs.24.01
St Luke's 12.45 pm
Director: Graeme Schubert
Scorer: Eileen Lewis
Pairs 24.17
Director: Graeme Schubert
Scorer: Eileen Lewis
Red Pairs.24.08
Director: Dennis Forsythe
Scorer: Tim Goodwin
Invitation 24.03
Director: Kerrie Stien
Scorer: Graeme Schubert