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Masterpoint promotions
12th Sep 2024 21:59 BST
Masterpoint promotions
August 2024 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in August 2024:

Nicholas Guinness  Advanced Master
Angela Gunning  1 Star Regional Master
Jill Wyatt  Master
Anne Hall  2 Star Master
Sarah Ferguson-Davie  County Master
Maureen Chapman  County Master
Jacqueline Smart  Area Master
Fiona Cook  Area Master
Wendy Powney  Area Master
Richard Gould  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!
Xiaowei Hartley  Club Master

July 2024 Promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in July 2024:

Robin Scott-Martin  County Master
Nigel Cockburn  District Master
Susan Bell  District Master
Xiaowei Hartley  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!

June 2024 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in June 2024:

Andrew Turnbull  County Master
Jan Bird  Club Master
Janice Bailey  Advanced Master
Penny Ewing  Master
Suzanne Grist  Advanced Master
Lynne Flavell  County Master
John King  Club Master
Jean King  Club Master
Sue Skyrme  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!

May 2024 Promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in May 2024:

Helen Holden  4 Star Master
Rose Rogers  3 Star Premier Master
Susan Hutchinson  District Master
Vinod Khanna  3 Star Regional Master
Reg Richards  Master
Jackie Albrow  Area Master
Peter Lacey  Area Master
Stephen Dowsett  Area Master

April 2024 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in April 2024:

Philip Meats  3 Star Premier Regional Master
David Thurman  1 Star Master
Jenie Rifat  County Master
Mike Porter  3 Star Master
Anita Feiger  Advanced Master
Sylvia Harvard-Walls  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!

March 2024 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in March 2024:

Nick Pegg  Premier National Master
Chris Jones  Premier National Master
Marion Loudoun  1 Star Regional Master
Thomas Martland  Advanced Master
Keith Mitchell  Master
Christine Arnold  Advanced Master
David Haywood  Advanced Master
Diana Payne  District Master
Anne Jarrett  Area Master
Jill Wright  Club Master
Richard King  District Master
Andrew Martland  Area Master
Mike Elliott  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!

February 2024 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in February 2024:

Roman Mohr  1 Star Master
Jan Bird  Local Master
Chris Franklin  Master
Richard King  Area Master
Lynne Flavell  District Master
Jacqueline Smart  Club Master
Phil Jones  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!

January 2024 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in January 2024:

Rita James  2 Star Master
Jean Wilson  District Master
Jackie Harris  District Master
Alan Cox  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!

December 2023 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in December 2023:

Bernard Morgan  Advanced Master
Roger Harris  3 Star Premier Master
Theresa Franklin  Master
Marie Roberts  Club Master
Chris Oakhill  Advanced Master
Tony Burton  Local Master   1st masterpoint promotion!

November 2023 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in November 2023:

John Bradbrook  Master
Joanna Seddon  3 Star Premier Master
Michael Ferguson-Davie  County Master
Lucia Newall  District Master
Marion Kirk  Master
Peter Cornthwaite  Master
Yash Gadhok  Area Master
Maria Melbourne  Club Master
David Land  Master

October 2023 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in October 2023:

Phil Baxter  3 Star Master
Lynne King  Area Master
Wendy Powney  Club Master

September 2023 promotions

Congratulations to the following members, who were promoted in September 2023:

Sue Thatcher  Club Master
Vyvyan Thatcher  Club Master
Bill Nadel  2 Star Regional Master
Stuart Bridge  Premier National Master
Graeme Dalrymple  5 Star Premier Master
Barbara Bowater  Area Master
Neil Forsyth  District Master
Neil Brimson  Club Master
Colin Hitchin  Area Master
Andrew Martland  Club Master