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3rd Sep 2024 18:10 BST
Club Trophy Winners
4th Jun 2024 12:58 BST


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We look forward to another good year at Bangor Bridge Club!

Club Trophy Winners

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

March 2024 - Jimmy Green Competition


1.   Arthur Moir & Catherine Moir 62.59%

2=  Sheila Green & Joan Morrow  61.56%

2=  Lynne Moore & Lynne Magee 61.56%

Last updated : 4th Jun 2024 12:58 BST

1.  CLOKEY TROPHY: Judy Gallagher, Helen Conroy, Marjorie Harding & Ruth Wilson (Seniors) 84 VP

2.  PHOENIX TROPHY: Chris Harte, Anne Harte, Bob Magee, Valerie Sterrit & Catherine Moir (Inter B) 84 VP

3.  HUGH HAWTHORNE TROPHY: David Kildea, Michael Conroy, Rosie Duffy, Olga Boyle & Helen Mitchell (Inter A) 59 VP

Last updated : 11th Apr 2024 11:24 BST
Royal Hotel Cup - Handicap Competition 2023


 1st:  Moya Kelly & Ann Gibson 66%

 2nd:   Judy Gallagher & Maureen Murray 64.6%

 3rd:   David Parkes & Patricia McCormack 63.2% 


Last updated : 17th Jan 2024 16:46 GMT
Jimmy Green Trophy 2023

1: Helen Conroy & Judy Gallagher 65.71%

2: Isobel McCormack & Katharine Johnston 61.42%

3: Martha Grimes & Ann Gibson 59.44%

Last updated : 26th Apr 2023 17:09 BST
Royal Hotel Cup - Handicap Competition 2022

 Congratulations to Michael Conroy & David Kildea on winning the Royal Hotel Cup 2022 our handicapped pairs competition and to Rosie Duffy & Liz Caulfield who came second.  This very close result was achieved even before handicapping was applied.  Well done!!


1st   Michael Conroy & David Kildea  75.6%

2nd  Rosie Duffy & Liz Caulfield         72.3%


Last updated : 17th Jan 2024 16:47 GMT

Congratulations to Alison & Helen on winning this year's Trophy.

1st  Alison Brown & Helen Conroy    63.3%

2nd  Rose Morrow & Ronnie Morrow    63.1%

3rd   Joan Morrow & Gail Cairns    57.8%


Last updated : 17th Sep 2019 22:28 GMT
MAY 2023 Woods Salver Competition


1. Helen Conroy 63.99%

2. Maureen Murray 59.95%

3. Dorothy Bruce 55.94%

Last updated : 11th Apr 2024 11:17 BST
2016/17 Founders' Trophy

Congratulations to Doreen and Bob on winning this year's Trophy.

  1st  Doreen Beers & Bob Magee   60.5%

2nd  Helen Mitchell & Martha Grimes   60.0%

3rd  Joy Girvan & Ken Hawtin   57.5%

Last updated : 16th Oct 2017 22:00 GMT