Antrobus Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Looking for a partner?

We have an Antrobus Bridge Club WhatsApp Group that can be used to post messages about needing a bridge partner for an upcoming Wednesday evening. You need a Smart phone to be a member of the group. If you are not already a member of the group and wish to become a member please speak to Simon Barber at the club.

No printed card this year?

We are avoiding printing a club card this year

We have put a box with the key dates for this year on the News page above

Please look at the calendar if you want to check who is directing and scoring

We have added the recommendations on etiquette and good manners on a separate page under NEWS items. Please click on the News menu title and the Etiquette page option should appear below and can be selected

The Constitution for the club is on a separate page under the INFORMATION menu

Details of the committee members is also on the INFORMATION menu

General rules for etiquette and good manners

Time Keeping

Arrive early

Keep things moving

Don't hold everyone else up


Before play starts on Round 1

Combine the hands and shuffle thoroughly before dealing 4 hands

Check the colours of the cards - Red for Odd numbered boards, Blue for Even numbered boards

Round 1 - passed out?

DO NOT REDEAL (other pairs might bid with their system)

?!?! Problems and mistakes?!?!



Don't hover over the bidding box

Think first then ....


Mistaken bid?

You can change it (until LHO has bid) BUT YOU CAN'T JUST CHANGE YOUR MIND

Insufficient bid?

Leave it on the table and call the director (LHO is entitled to accept your insufficient bid)

Dummy                         SILENCE IS GOLDEN

Dummy must not speak (except to try to stop declarer from revoking or leading from the wrong hand) or hover over a card until asked by declarer

If declarer asks for "A SPADE PLEASE" this always means the lowest spade - DO NOT ASK!

Hand finished?

Do NOT collect your cards until the score has been agreed by partner and opponents


North should score - preferably should be member

Think about the score

Be accurate - is it on the correct line, opponents table no, contract, lead, score

Write clearly

Your line already used?

Use a spare line at the bottom of traveller

Resolve correction NOW - Rewrite on a spare line if not legible

Obvious mistake in score by another table?

Follow it up NOW with the relevant players

Do NOT put "?" (it is not helpful to the scorer!!)

Result Agreed?

East should check - table, no of tricks, score - AND then sign off

Only then can each player put their cards together

Hand finished?

Shuffle or sort cards in the hand before returning to board

Last board of the night?

Each player should shuffle their cards thoroughly before placing back in the board

And finally:


especially the director

and even your partner!